Phrased Improver
Sequence : AA BB Tag AA BBB A
Part A: 32 counts
AI. Rhumba Box - step back - point L to L side
1 - 4step R to R side, step L beside R, step R back, hold
5 - 8Step L back , step R back , point L to L side, hold
AII. Weave left sweep R - step back - hook left flick R
1 - 4Step L over R, step R to R side, step L beside R, sweep R back
5 - 6step R back, hook L
7 - 8step L forward, Flick R
AIII. Forward lock shuffle-hold-1/4 turn R-hold
1 - 4forward lock shuffle R, L, R, hold
5 - 8step L forward, turn 1/4 R, step L over R, hold
AIV. Rhumba box R - touch L to L side - step together
1 - 4step R to R side, step L beside R, step R back, hold
5 - 6touch L to L side (your head watching to left), hold
7 - 8step L beside R, (your head back to center),hold
Part B: 32 counts
BI. Weave R sweep L - weave L sweep R
1 - 4step R over L, step L to L side, step R behind R, step R to R side, sweep L back
5 - 8step L behind R, step R to R side, step L over R, sweep R front L
BII. Jazz box Right-cross left Recover right-turning 1/4 Left
1- 4step R over L, step L back behinde R, steo R to R side, hold
5 - 8cross L over R, recover on R, turning 1/4 L step L forward, hold
BIII. Forward lock shuffle-hold-hitch touch cross L-hitch L step back L
1 - 4forward lock shuffle R, L, R-hold
5 - 8hitch L, cross touch L over R, hitch L, step L back
BIV. Rock recover Right-step R forward,-pivot 1/2 Right-step Left forward
1 - 2step R back, recover on L
3 - 4step R forward, hold
5 - 6step L forward , turn 1/2 R
7 - 8step L forward, hold
*Tag: Step R to R side - hold - step L beside R- Hold
1 - 4step R to R side, hold , step L beside R, hold
Contact: elis.kriwil@gmail.com
Part A: 32 counts
AI. Rhumba Box - step back - point L to L side
1 - 4step R to R side, step L beside R, step R back, hold
5 - 8Step L back , step R back , point L to L side, hold
AII. Weave left sweep R - step back - hook left flick R
1 - 4Step L over R, step R to R side, step L beside R, sweep R back
5 - 6step R back, hook L
7 - 8step L forward, Flick R
AIII. Forward lock shuffle-hold-1/4 turn R-hold
1 - 4forward lock shuffle R, L, R, hold
5 - 8step L forward, turn 1/4 R, step L over R, hold
AIV. Rhumba box R - touch L to L side - step together
1 - 4step R to R side, step L beside R, step R back, hold
5 - 6touch L to L side (your head watching to left), hold
7 - 8step L beside R, (your head back to center),hold
Part B: 32 counts
BI. Weave R sweep L - weave L sweep R
1 - 4step R over L, step L to L side, step R behind R, step R to R side, sweep L back
5 - 8step L behind R, step R to R side, step L over R, sweep R front L
BII. Jazz box Right-cross left Recover right-turning 1/4 Left
1- 4step R over L, step L back behinde R, steo R to R side, hold
5 - 8cross L over R, recover on R, turning 1/4 L step L forward, hold
BIII. Forward lock shuffle-hold-hitch touch cross L-hitch L step back L
1 - 4forward lock shuffle R, L, R-hold
5 - 8hitch L, cross touch L over R, hitch L, step L back
BIV. Rock recover Right-step R forward,-pivot 1/2 Right-step Left forward
1 - 2step R back, recover on L
3 - 4step R forward, hold
5 - 6step L forward , turn 1/2 R
7 - 8step L forward, hold
*Tag: Step R to R side - hold - step L beside R- Hold
1 - 4step R to R side, hold , step L beside R, hold
Contact: elis.kriwil@gmail.com