Start: After 32 counts on vocals
#1: V step, Side, Together, Chasse
1.2Step R diagonally R (out), step L diagonally L (out)
3.4Step R in, step L in
5.6Step R to R side, step L next to R
7&8Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R to R side
#2: Step Touch Step Touch, Vine with a touch
1.2Step L diagonally L forward, touch R next to L
3.4Step L diagonally backward, touch L next to R
5.6Step L to L side, step R behind L
7.8Step L to L side, touch R next to L
#3: Step pivot 1/8 turn twice, Jazz box
1.2Step R forward, pivot 1/8 turn L (weight on L) (10.30)
3.4Step R forward, pivot 1/8 turn L (weight on L) (9.00)
5.6Cross R over L, step L back
7.8Step R to R side, step L forward
#4: Rocking chair, 4 walks to make a 1/2 circle
1.2Rock R forward, recover on L
3.4Rock R backward, recover on L R, L, R, L making a 1/2 circle to the R (finish facing 3.00)
Repeat and smile
Contact: desiremichael@live.fr
#1: V step, Side, Together, Chasse
1.2Step R diagonally R (out), step L diagonally L (out)
3.4Step R in, step L in
5.6Step R to R side, step L next to R
7&8Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R to R side
#2: Step Touch Step Touch, Vine with a touch
1.2Step L diagonally L forward, touch R next to L
3.4Step L diagonally backward, touch L next to R
5.6Step L to L side, step R behind L
7.8Step L to L side, touch R next to L
#3: Step pivot 1/8 turn twice, Jazz box
1.2Step R forward, pivot 1/8 turn L (weight on L) (10.30)
3.4Step R forward, pivot 1/8 turn L (weight on L) (9.00)
5.6Cross R over L, step L back
7.8Step R to R side, step L forward
#4: Rocking chair, 4 walks to make a 1/2 circle
1.2Rock R forward, recover on L
3.4Rock R backward, recover on L R, L, R, L making a 1/2 circle to the R (finish facing 3.00)
Repeat and smile
Contact: desiremichael@live.fr