CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Baby I Can't Please You

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Barbara Tobin (USA) - September 2017
Baby I Can't Please You - Sam Phillips : (amazon)
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#4-Count Tag after Wall 6
Intro: 32 counts. Start on the word “Baby.” Weight on right.

(1-8) Forward rock, recover, coaster, walk, 1/2 left turn pivot, walk, step, hitch
1,2Rock L forward, recover R
3&4Step L back, close R, step L forward
5,6Step R forward, 1/2 turn left step L forward [6:00]
7,8Step R to side, hitch L knee to left with L foot behind R knee (styling note: place hands on hips, tilt head to right)

(9-16) Stomp, hold, sailor, cross behind, 1/4 right turn forward step, step, kick
1,2Stomp L to left (return head to center), hold
3&4Cross R behind left, step L to left, step R to right (hands down)
5,6Cross L behind R, 1/4 right turn step R forward [9:00]
7,8Step L forward, kick R forward

(17-24) Jazz box, 1/2 right turn swivel, hold, coaster
1,2Cross R over L, step left back
3,4Step R to right, step L forward
5,6Swivel 1/2 right turn keeping both feet in place (end with weight on L), hold [3:00]
(Styling note: make the swivel sharp before the hold)
7&8Step R back, close L, step R forward

(25-32) Step, 1/2 left turn, 1/2 left turn chasse, step, step with 1/2 right turn pivot, forward shuffle
1,2Step L forward, 1/2 left turn step R back [9:00]
3&41/4 left turn step L to left, close R, 1/4 left turn step L forward [3:00]
5,6Step R forward, step L forward while turning 1/2 turn right on ball of L [9:00]
7&8Step R forward, step L next to R, step R forward

Start again….enjoy!

TAG: after Wall 6 facing [6:00]
Left rocking chair:
1,2Step L forward, recover R
3,4Step L back, recover R
Ending: the music fades to a single sound….quit at any point when you are facing 12:00.

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographer with your questions: - 9/9/2017

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