#16-count Intro (0.10)
[1-8] Side Rock/Recover, Back Rock/Recover, Syncopated Weave, Hitch
1-2Rock R to right side, Recover on L
3-4Rock R back, Recover on L
5&6&Step R to right side, Cross L behind R, Step R to right side, Cross L over R
7-8Step R to right Side, Hitch L to left side in the air
[9-16] 1/2 Turn Right, Crossing Triple, Right/Left Toe Switches, Ball Step, Stomp
1-2Step L to left side, Turn 1/2 right stepping R to right side (6:00)
3&4Cross L over R, Step R to right side, Cross L over R
5&6&Point R to right side, Step R next to L, Point L to left side, Step ball of next to R
7-8Step R forward, Stomp L forward
(Restart here on wall 3 and 7)
[17-24] Forward Rock/Recover, 1/2 Turn Right, Step R, L, Lock Steps Forward
1-2Rock R forward, Recover weight on L
3-4Step R forward turning right 1/2 turn, Step L forward (12:00)
5&6&Step R forward, Lock L behind R, Step R forward, Step L forward
7&8Lock R behind L, Step L ball of foot to left side, Step R to right side
[25-32] Cross Rock/Recover, 1/4 Turn Left, Chase 1/2 Turn, Large Step Forward, Touch
1,2,3Rock L over R, Recover on R, Step L forward turning ¼ left (9:00)
4,5,6Step forward on R, Pivot 1/2 Turn left, Step forward R (3:00)
7-8Large step forward on L, Touch R next to left
Note: on wall 3 and 7 you will dance the first 16 counts of the dance then Restart from the beginning.
Karen Hedges khedges111@hotmail.com
Ruben Luna rsluna2@aol.com
Betty Moses dorbmoses@msn.com
Last Update - 14th August 2017
[1-8] Side Rock/Recover, Back Rock/Recover, Syncopated Weave, Hitch
1-2Rock R to right side, Recover on L
3-4Rock R back, Recover on L
5&6&Step R to right side, Cross L behind R, Step R to right side, Cross L over R
7-8Step R to right Side, Hitch L to left side in the air
[9-16] 1/2 Turn Right, Crossing Triple, Right/Left Toe Switches, Ball Step, Stomp
1-2Step L to left side, Turn 1/2 right stepping R to right side (6:00)
3&4Cross L over R, Step R to right side, Cross L over R
5&6&Point R to right side, Step R next to L, Point L to left side, Step ball of next to R
7-8Step R forward, Stomp L forward
(Restart here on wall 3 and 7)
[17-24] Forward Rock/Recover, 1/2 Turn Right, Step R, L, Lock Steps Forward
1-2Rock R forward, Recover weight on L
3-4Step R forward turning right 1/2 turn, Step L forward (12:00)
5&6&Step R forward, Lock L behind R, Step R forward, Step L forward
7&8Lock R behind L, Step L ball of foot to left side, Step R to right side
[25-32] Cross Rock/Recover, 1/4 Turn Left, Chase 1/2 Turn, Large Step Forward, Touch
1,2,3Rock L over R, Recover on R, Step L forward turning ¼ left (9:00)
4,5,6Step forward on R, Pivot 1/2 Turn left, Step forward R (3:00)
7-8Large step forward on L, Touch R next to left
Note: on wall 3 and 7 you will dance the first 16 counts of the dance then Restart from the beginning.
Karen Hedges khedges111@hotmail.com
Ruben Luna rsluna2@aol.com
Betty Moses dorbmoses@msn.com
Last Update - 14th August 2017