High Beginner
Intro: 16 count…start on vocals
Sequence: 40, 40, 48, Tag, 40, 16, 40, 40, 48, Tag, 40, 25
Section 1: Side, Touch, L Chasse, Cross Rock, R Chasse
1-2Step R to R Side, Touch L next to R,
3&4Step L to L Side, Step R next to L, Step L to L Side
5-6Cross Rock R over L, Recover on L,
7&8Step R to R Side, Step L next to R, Step R to R Side (12.00)
Section 2: Forward Rock, ½ L Shuffle, Forward Rock. Back, Together
1-2L Rock Forward , Recover on R
3&4½ L Shuffle stepping L R L (6.00)
5-6R Rock Forward , Recover on L,
7-8Step Back on R, Step L beside R (6.00)
Section 3: R – L Diagonal Step Lock Step, Forward Rock
1-2-3Step R Diag Forward , Lock L behind R, Step R Diag Forward
4-5-6Step L Diag Forward, Lock R behind L, Step L Diag Forward
7-8R Rock Forward , Recover on L (6.00)
Section 4: Full Turn Right Walk Around, Rocking Chair
1-2-3-4Turn ½ R Step R Forward , Turn ½ R Walk Forward L R L (6.00)
5-6R Rock Forward , Recover on L,
7-8R Rock Back, Recover on L (6.00)
Section 5: Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, Behind Side Forward
1-2-3&4R Rock Side, Recover on L, Step R Behind, Step L Side, Cross R over L
5-6-7&8L Rock Side , Recover on R, Step L Behind, Step R Side, Step L Forward (6:00)
Bridge: At the end of Wall 3 and Wall 8…Repeat Section 5
Tag (16 count): After Bridge of Wall 3 and Wall 8, add Tag
Section 1: Rocking Chair X2
1-2-3-4R Rock Forward , Recover on L, R Rock Back, Recover on L
5-6-7-8R Rock Forward , Recover on L, R Rock Back, Recover on L
Section 2: Jazz Box X2
1-2-3-4R Cross, L Back, R Side, L Together
5-6-7-8R Cross, L Back, R Side, L Together
Restart: Wall 5…dance 16 counts and then start Wall 6, facing 6.00 ( instrumentals )
Ending: You will face 12.00 as the song slowly ends at count 25 of the last Wall (Wall 10)
Contact: babylinedance@hotmail.com
Last Update - 13th August 2017
Sequence: 40, 40, 48, Tag, 40, 16, 40, 40, 48, Tag, 40, 25
Section 1: Side, Touch, L Chasse, Cross Rock, R Chasse
1-2Step R to R Side, Touch L next to R,
3&4Step L to L Side, Step R next to L, Step L to L Side
5-6Cross Rock R over L, Recover on L,
7&8Step R to R Side, Step L next to R, Step R to R Side (12.00)
Section 2: Forward Rock, ½ L Shuffle, Forward Rock. Back, Together
1-2L Rock Forward , Recover on R
3&4½ L Shuffle stepping L R L (6.00)
5-6R Rock Forward , Recover on L,
7-8Step Back on R, Step L beside R (6.00)
Section 3: R – L Diagonal Step Lock Step, Forward Rock
1-2-3Step R Diag Forward , Lock L behind R, Step R Diag Forward
4-5-6Step L Diag Forward, Lock R behind L, Step L Diag Forward
7-8R Rock Forward , Recover on L (6.00)
Section 4: Full Turn Right Walk Around, Rocking Chair
1-2-3-4Turn ½ R Step R Forward , Turn ½ R Walk Forward L R L (6.00)
5-6R Rock Forward , Recover on L,
7-8R Rock Back, Recover on L (6.00)
Section 5: Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, Behind Side Forward
1-2-3&4R Rock Side, Recover on L, Step R Behind, Step L Side, Cross R over L
5-6-7&8L Rock Side , Recover on R, Step L Behind, Step R Side, Step L Forward (6:00)
Bridge: At the end of Wall 3 and Wall 8…Repeat Section 5
Tag (16 count): After Bridge of Wall 3 and Wall 8, add Tag
Section 1: Rocking Chair X2
1-2-3-4R Rock Forward , Recover on L, R Rock Back, Recover on L
5-6-7-8R Rock Forward , Recover on L, R Rock Back, Recover on L
Section 2: Jazz Box X2
1-2-3-4R Cross, L Back, R Side, L Together
5-6-7-8R Cross, L Back, R Side, L Together
Restart: Wall 5…dance 16 counts and then start Wall 6, facing 6.00 ( instrumentals )
Ending: You will face 12.00 as the song slowly ends at count 25 of the last Wall (Wall 10)
Contact: babylinedance@hotmail.com
Last Update - 13th August 2017