Alt. music: Back home again John Denver
Walk forward, Walk diagonal back R
1-4Walk forward R,L,R,L
5-8Walk back R diagonal R,L,R,L
Walk diagonal forward R, Walk back
9-12Walk forward R diagonal R,L,R,L
13-16Walk back R,L,R ,touch
Step L to left, R to L, step forward L, hold, step forward, touch, step back touch,
17-20Step L to L, step R to L, step forward L, hold
21-24Step R forward diagonal, touch, step L back diagonal, touch
Step back touch, step forward touch, wine right 1/4 right touch
25-28Step R back diagonal, touch, step L forward diagonal, touch
29-32Step R to right, step L behind R, step R 1/4 R, touch
Contact: mlkristiansen@stofanet.dk
Walk forward, Walk diagonal back R
1-4Walk forward R,L,R,L
5-8Walk back R diagonal R,L,R,L
Walk diagonal forward R, Walk back
9-12Walk forward R diagonal R,L,R,L
13-16Walk back R,L,R ,touch
Step L to left, R to L, step forward L, hold, step forward, touch, step back touch,
17-20Step L to L, step R to L, step forward L, hold
21-24Step R forward diagonal, touch, step L back diagonal, touch
Step back touch, step forward touch, wine right 1/4 right touch
25-28Step R back diagonal, touch, step L forward diagonal, touch
29-32Step R to right, step L behind R, step R 1/4 R, touch
Contact: mlkristiansen@stofanet.dk