Walk x 3, Kick, Walk Back x 3, Touch Back
1,2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2) (12:00)
3,4Step R forward (3), Kick L forward (4)
5,6Step back L (5), Step back R (6)
7,8Step Back L (7), Touch R toe back (8) (12:00)
*Restart happens here on the 8th rotation facing 3:00*
Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Back, Point, Back Point
1,2Cross R over L (1), Point L to side (2) (12:00)
3,4Cross L over R (3), Point R to side (4)
5,6Step R behind L (5), Point L to side (6)
7,8Step L behind R (7), Point R to side (8) (12:00)
Rock, Recover, Triple Forward, Pivot ½ Turn, Triple Forward
1,2Rock R back (1), Recover forward L (2) (12:00)
3&4Triple forward R (R,L,R) (9:00)
5,6Step L forward (5), Pivot ½ turn over R shoulder (6) (6:00)
7&8Triple forward (L,R,L) (6:00)
Jazz Box, ¼ Turn Jazz Box
1,2Cross R over L (1), Step L back (2) (6:00)
3,4Step R to side (3), Step L forward (4)
5,6Cross R over L (5), Step L back (6)
7,8Step R to side ¼ turn over R shoulder (7), Step L to side (8) (9:00)
Tag: Happens on the end of the 2nd wall Facing 6:00 & 4th wall Facing 12:00
Stomp R, Stomp L
1,2Stop R to side (1), Stomp L to side (2)
1,2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2) (12:00)
3,4Step R forward (3), Kick L forward (4)
5,6Step back L (5), Step back R (6)
7,8Step Back L (7), Touch R toe back (8) (12:00)
*Restart happens here on the 8th rotation facing 3:00*
Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Back, Point, Back Point
1,2Cross R over L (1), Point L to side (2) (12:00)
3,4Cross L over R (3), Point R to side (4)
5,6Step R behind L (5), Point L to side (6)
7,8Step L behind R (7), Point R to side (8) (12:00)
Rock, Recover, Triple Forward, Pivot ½ Turn, Triple Forward
1,2Rock R back (1), Recover forward L (2) (12:00)
3&4Triple forward R (R,L,R) (9:00)
5,6Step L forward (5), Pivot ½ turn over R shoulder (6) (6:00)
7&8Triple forward (L,R,L) (6:00)
Jazz Box, ¼ Turn Jazz Box
1,2Cross R over L (1), Step L back (2) (6:00)
3,4Step R to side (3), Step L forward (4)
5,6Cross R over L (5), Step L back (6)
7,8Step R to side ¼ turn over R shoulder (7), Step L to side (8) (9:00)
Tag: Happens on the end of the 2nd wall Facing 6:00 & 4th wall Facing 12:00
Stomp R, Stomp L
1,2Stop R to side (1), Stomp L to side (2)