Beginner +
Section I: Side Rock, Recover, cross shuffle, side, behind, shuffle 1/4 left (9)
1-2Rock right to the side, recover to left
3&4Cross right over left, step left , cross right over left
5-6Step left to side, right behind left
7&8Step left fwd 1/4 to left, step right beside left,step left fwd (9)
Section II: Right, Left, Fwd point, step back, turn 1/4, cross shuffle (6)
9-10Step right fwd, point left to side
11-12Step left fwd, point right to side
13-14Step right back, step left 1/4 to left (6)
15&16Step right across left, step left, step right across left
Section III: Left fwd shuffle box
17-18Step left to side, right beside left
19&20Step left fwd, right beside left, left fwd
21-22Step right to side, left beside right
23& 24Step Right back, left beside right, right
Section IV - Step back 1/4 (3), touch, point, cross, side rock, recover, cross shuffle
25-26Step back left, turning 1/4 left, touch right beside left
27-28Point right to side, step right across left
29-30Rock left to side, recover to right
31&32Cross left over right, step right to side cross left over right
Start again - No Tags No Re-Starts
Hope you have fun with this dance
Last Update - 27th July 2017
1-2Rock right to the side, recover to left
3&4Cross right over left, step left , cross right over left
5-6Step left to side, right behind left
7&8Step left fwd 1/4 to left, step right beside left,step left fwd (9)
Section II: Right, Left, Fwd point, step back, turn 1/4, cross shuffle (6)
9-10Step right fwd, point left to side
11-12Step left fwd, point right to side
13-14Step right back, step left 1/4 to left (6)
15&16Step right across left, step left, step right across left
Section III: Left fwd shuffle box
17-18Step left to side, right beside left
19&20Step left fwd, right beside left, left fwd
21-22Step right to side, left beside right
23& 24Step Right back, left beside right, right
Section IV - Step back 1/4 (3), touch, point, cross, side rock, recover, cross shuffle
25-26Step back left, turning 1/4 left, touch right beside left
27-28Point right to side, step right across left
29-30Rock left to side, recover to right
31&32Cross left over right, step right to side cross left over right
Start again - No Tags No Re-Starts
Hope you have fun with this dance
Last Update - 27th July 2017