Sec 1: Chasse right, rock back recover. Chasse left rock back recover.
1&2Step right to right, left together, right to right.
3-4Rock back left, recover to right.
5&6Step left to left, right together, left to left.
7-8Rock back right, recover to left. ( 12.00 )
Sec 2: Rocking chair, pivot ¼ pivot ¼.
1-2Rock forward on right, recover to left.
3-4Rock back on right , recover to left.
5-6Step forward on right pivot ¼ left
7-8Step forward on right pivot ¼ left. (6.00)
Sec 3: Shuffle forward, rock recover, shuffle back, rock recover.
1&2Forward right, left together, forward right.
3-4Rock left forward, recover to right.
5&6Left back, right together, back left.
7-8Rock right back, recover to left (6.00)
Sec 4: Monterey turn ¼ right, jazzbox cross.
1-2Point right to right, make ¼ turn right stepping right beside left
3-4Point left to left, step left beside right.
5-6Cross right over left, step back on left.
7-8Step right to right, cross left over right. (9.00)
Enjoy this nice country track, no tags, no restarts.
Contact: heelanjohnl@gmail.com
1&2Step right to right, left together, right to right.
3-4Rock back left, recover to right.
5&6Step left to left, right together, left to left.
7-8Rock back right, recover to left. ( 12.00 )
Sec 2: Rocking chair, pivot ¼ pivot ¼.
1-2Rock forward on right, recover to left.
3-4Rock back on right , recover to left.
5-6Step forward on right pivot ¼ left
7-8Step forward on right pivot ¼ left. (6.00)
Sec 3: Shuffle forward, rock recover, shuffle back, rock recover.
1&2Forward right, left together, forward right.
3-4Rock left forward, recover to right.
5&6Left back, right together, back left.
7-8Rock right back, recover to left (6.00)
Sec 4: Monterey turn ¼ right, jazzbox cross.
1-2Point right to right, make ¼ turn right stepping right beside left
3-4Point left to left, step left beside right.
5-6Cross right over left, step back on left.
7-8Step right to right, cross left over right. (9.00)
Enjoy this nice country track, no tags, no restarts.
Contact: heelanjohnl@gmail.com