High Beginner
Intro 32 count
Step, toe tap x3, Back rock, Step, Stomp
1-4Step fwd. R, toe tag L x3 behind R.
5-8Back rock L, recover R, step L fwd., Stomp R behind L
Back rock R, Heel strut R, Rock L, ½ turn left, Scuff R
1-4Back rock R, recover L, R heel strut
5-8Step fwd. L, recover R, ½ turn left stepping L fwd. scuff R
Restart Wall 5
Vaudeville R, Hook, Side, Point, ¼ turn left heel strut
1-4Cross R over L, step L to side, tap R heel diag. fwd., hook R in front
5-8Step R to side, point L to left, ¼ turn on L heel, down L toe
Mambo, Kick, Back rock, Scuff
1-4Rock fwd. R, recover L, rock back R, kick L fwd.
5-8Back rock L kick R, recover R, step fwd. L, scuff R
Ending ½ turn left stepping stomp R back
Contact: dwightgoldwing@gmail.com
Step, toe tap x3, Back rock, Step, Stomp
1-4Step fwd. R, toe tag L x3 behind R.
5-8Back rock L, recover R, step L fwd., Stomp R behind L
Back rock R, Heel strut R, Rock L, ½ turn left, Scuff R
1-4Back rock R, recover L, R heel strut
5-8Step fwd. L, recover R, ½ turn left stepping L fwd. scuff R
Restart Wall 5
Vaudeville R, Hook, Side, Point, ¼ turn left heel strut
1-4Cross R over L, step L to side, tap R heel diag. fwd., hook R in front
5-8Step R to side, point L to left, ¼ turn on L heel, down L toe
Mambo, Kick, Back rock, Scuff
1-4Rock fwd. R, recover L, rock back R, kick L fwd.
5-8Back rock L kick R, recover R, step fwd. L, scuff R
Ending ½ turn left stepping stomp R back
Contact: dwightgoldwing@gmail.com