R Side Strut, Cross Strut, Side ,Together, Cross, Hold.
1,2,3,4Step R Toe to side, R heel down, cross L over R toe, heel down,
5,6,7,8Step R to side, step L beside R, cross R over L, Hold.
L Side Strut, Cross Strut, Side , Together, Cross, Hold.
1,2,3,4Step L Toe to side ,L heel down, cross R over L toe, heel down,
5,6,7&8Step L to side, step R next to L, cross L over R, Hold.
R Rock Back, Replace, Shuffle Fwd., Rock Fwd. Replace, 1/4 Turn L, Touch
1,2,3&4Rock R back, replace wt. on L, step R fwd., step L next to R ,step R fwd.,
5,6,7,8.Rock L fwd., replace wt. on R, step 1/4 turn L on L to side, touch R next to L.
Box Step, Jump Out, Hold, Jump In, Hold.
1234Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to side, step L next to R,
&56&78Jump out fwd. R L, hold, Jump in back R L, Hold.
The Ending
L side strut, R cross strut, side rock, 1/4 turn R to front step on L.
Contact No. Pamela Smith 02 65432728 e mail smithies108@bigpond.com
1,2,3,4Step R Toe to side, R heel down, cross L over R toe, heel down,
5,6,7,8Step R to side, step L beside R, cross R over L, Hold.
L Side Strut, Cross Strut, Side , Together, Cross, Hold.
1,2,3,4Step L Toe to side ,L heel down, cross R over L toe, heel down,
5,6,7&8Step L to side, step R next to L, cross L over R, Hold.
R Rock Back, Replace, Shuffle Fwd., Rock Fwd. Replace, 1/4 Turn L, Touch
1,2,3&4Rock R back, replace wt. on L, step R fwd., step L next to R ,step R fwd.,
5,6,7,8.Rock L fwd., replace wt. on R, step 1/4 turn L on L to side, touch R next to L.
Box Step, Jump Out, Hold, Jump In, Hold.
1234Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to side, step L next to R,
&56&78Jump out fwd. R L, hold, Jump in back R L, Hold.
The Ending
L side strut, R cross strut, side rock, 1/4 turn R to front step on L.
Contact No. Pamela Smith 02 65432728 e mail smithies108@bigpond.com