High Improver
Begin on vocals
Mambo fwd R, ¼ turn R, ½ turn R, Chasse right, Cross Mambo
1&2Step forward on right, replace weight on left, touch right beside left
3Step ¼ on right by stepping right forward (3.00)
4½ turn stepping back on left (9.00)
5&6Step right close left to right, step right to right side.
7&8Cross left over rignt, replace weight on right, close left to right
Cross right, side behind ¼ turn, sweep right ½ turn L, right hip bumps x 2
1-2Cross right over left, step left to left side
3-4Cross right behind left, step ¼ turn left
5-6Sweep right foot around for ½ turn (ending at 12), touch right foot beside left (12.00)
7&8Bump right hip x 2
Step right, Paddle left ¼ , Paddle left ¼ , Step left fwd, Right Hip Bump fwd, Left Hip Bump fwd
1Step fwd on right
2-3Making ¼ turn R, point L to left side. x2. (6.00)
4Step fwd on left
5&6Touch right toe fwd, bumping hips fwd, bump hips back, bump hips fwd stepping onto R foot
7&8Touch left toe fwd, bumping hips fwd, bump hips back, bump hips fwd stepping onto L foot
Rock replace, Step ¼ on right, Step ½ on left, Step ½ on right dragging left touch, Left coaster step
1-2Rock fwd on right replace weight on left
3-4Making ¼ turn R, step R to R side (9.00). Make ½ turn R stepping stepping L to L (3.00)
5-6Make ½ turn R stepping R to R side, touch left to right (9.00)
7&8Step Left back, close right to left, step left fwd
Begin Again.
*Restart* : after section 2 on wall 5 (home wall)
Contact: kellyblackzar@yahoo.ie
Mambo fwd R, ¼ turn R, ½ turn R, Chasse right, Cross Mambo
1&2Step forward on right, replace weight on left, touch right beside left
3Step ¼ on right by stepping right forward (3.00)
4½ turn stepping back on left (9.00)
5&6Step right close left to right, step right to right side.
7&8Cross left over rignt, replace weight on right, close left to right
Cross right, side behind ¼ turn, sweep right ½ turn L, right hip bumps x 2
1-2Cross right over left, step left to left side
3-4Cross right behind left, step ¼ turn left
5-6Sweep right foot around for ½ turn (ending at 12), touch right foot beside left (12.00)
7&8Bump right hip x 2
Step right, Paddle left ¼ , Paddle left ¼ , Step left fwd, Right Hip Bump fwd, Left Hip Bump fwd
1Step fwd on right
2-3Making ¼ turn R, point L to left side. x2. (6.00)
4Step fwd on left
5&6Touch right toe fwd, bumping hips fwd, bump hips back, bump hips fwd stepping onto R foot
7&8Touch left toe fwd, bumping hips fwd, bump hips back, bump hips fwd stepping onto L foot
Rock replace, Step ¼ on right, Step ½ on left, Step ½ on right dragging left touch, Left coaster step
1-2Rock fwd on right replace weight on left
3-4Making ¼ turn R, step R to R side (9.00). Make ½ turn R stepping stepping L to L (3.00)
5-6Make ½ turn R stepping R to R side, touch left to right (9.00)
7&8Step Left back, close right to left, step left fwd
Begin Again.
*Restart* : after section 2 on wall 5 (home wall)
Contact: kellyblackzar@yahoo.ie