(Intro: 16 count)
[S1] Fwd, 1/2R Pivot, Shuffle Fwd, 1/4R Twist, Recover, Back Rock (6:00)
1 2 3Step R fwd, Step L fwd, Turn 1/2R recover weight on R
4&5Step L fwd, Step R next to L, Step L fwd
6 7Twist 1/4R (facing 9:00), Twist 1/4L (back to 6:00 weight on R)
8&Rock/step L back, Recover weight on R
[S2] Paddle Turn, Cross, 1/4L Back, Shuffle Back, Shuffle Fwd, Tog & (6:00)
1 2Step L fwd, Turn 1/4R recover weight on R
3&Cross L over R, Turn 1/4L step R back
4&5Step L back, Step R next to R, Step L back
6&7(Weight on L push fwd) Step R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R fwd
8&Tap L toe beside R, Step L next to R weight on L
[S3] 1/4R Jazz Box w/ Tog &, 1/4R Jazz Box w/ Step-Lock-Step (12:00)
1 2Cross R over L, Step L back turning 1/4R
3 4&Step R to right side, Touch L toe beside R weight on R, Step L next to R
5 6 7Cross R over L, Step L back turning 1/4R, Step R to right side
&8&Step L fwd, Lock/step R behind L, Step L fwd
[S4] 1/2L Pivot, R Reverse Turn, Fwd, 3/4R Pivot, Side, Behind, 1/4L Fwd (12:00)
1 2Step R fwd, Turn 1/2L recover weight on L
3 4Step R fwd turning 1/2R, Step L back turning 1/2R
5 6Step R fwd, Step L fwd
7&8&Turn 3/4R weight on R, Step L to left side, Step R behind L, Turn 1/4L step L fwd**
[S5] R Side Rock, &, Side, &, L Side Rock, &, 1/2 Pivot, Rock Fwd, Recover 3/4R, Together (3:00)
1 2&Step/rock R to right side, Recover weight on L, Step R next to L
3&4Step L to left side, Step R next to L, Step/rock L to left side
5&6Recover weight on R, Step L together, Step R fwd
7&Turn 1/2L weight on L, Step/rock R fwd,
8&Recover weight on L turning 3/4R, Step R together
[S6] L Side Rock, &, 1/4R Fwd w/ Sweep, Cross, Side, Behind w/ Sweep, Behind, Side, Rocking Chair (6:00)
1 2&Step/rock L to left side, Recover weight on R, Step L next to R
3 4&Turn 1/4R step R fwd sweeping L around R (from the back to the front), Cross L over R, Step R to right side
5 6&Step L behind R sweeping R around L (from the front to the back), Step R behind L, Step L to left side
7&8&Step/rock R fwd, Recover weight on L, Step/rock R back, Recover weight on L*
[S7] Side, Kick-Kick, Side, Touch Behind, Click, Hold, Side Rock, 1/4R Sailor Fwd (9:00)
1&2Step R to right side (1), Kick L fwd twice (&2)
&3&4Step L to left side (&), Touch R behind L (3), Click R fingers (&), Hold (4)
5 6Step/rock R to right side, Recover weight on L
7&8Turning 1/4R step R back, Step L beside R, Step R fwd
[S8] Side, Kick-Kick, Side, Touch Behind, Click, Hold, Side Rock, 1/4L Sailor Fwd (6:00)
1&2Step L to left side (1), Kick R fwd twice (&2)
&3&4Step R to right side (&), Touch L behind R (3), Click L fingers (&), Hold (4)
5 6Step/rock L to left side, Recover weight on R
7&8Turning 1/4L step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd
Restart1: Wall 1 Count 48*(6:00)
Restart 2: Wall 3 Count 32**+ Tag– Side Rock, Back Rock (12:00)
1 2 3 4Step R to side, Recover weight on L, Step R back, Recover weight on L
(Updated: 26/May/17)
Please contact me.
I will send Demo via e-mail as an attachment. (hirokocarlsson@gmail.com)
Last Site Update – 4th June 2017
[S1] Fwd, 1/2R Pivot, Shuffle Fwd, 1/4R Twist, Recover, Back Rock (6:00)
1 2 3Step R fwd, Step L fwd, Turn 1/2R recover weight on R
4&5Step L fwd, Step R next to L, Step L fwd
6 7Twist 1/4R (facing 9:00), Twist 1/4L (back to 6:00 weight on R)
8&Rock/step L back, Recover weight on R
[S2] Paddle Turn, Cross, 1/4L Back, Shuffle Back, Shuffle Fwd, Tog & (6:00)
1 2Step L fwd, Turn 1/4R recover weight on R
3&Cross L over R, Turn 1/4L step R back
4&5Step L back, Step R next to R, Step L back
6&7(Weight on L push fwd) Step R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R fwd
8&Tap L toe beside R, Step L next to R weight on L
[S3] 1/4R Jazz Box w/ Tog &, 1/4R Jazz Box w/ Step-Lock-Step (12:00)
1 2Cross R over L, Step L back turning 1/4R
3 4&Step R to right side, Touch L toe beside R weight on R, Step L next to R
5 6 7Cross R over L, Step L back turning 1/4R, Step R to right side
&8&Step L fwd, Lock/step R behind L, Step L fwd
[S4] 1/2L Pivot, R Reverse Turn, Fwd, 3/4R Pivot, Side, Behind, 1/4L Fwd (12:00)
1 2Step R fwd, Turn 1/2L recover weight on L
3 4Step R fwd turning 1/2R, Step L back turning 1/2R
5 6Step R fwd, Step L fwd
7&8&Turn 3/4R weight on R, Step L to left side, Step R behind L, Turn 1/4L step L fwd**
[S5] R Side Rock, &, Side, &, L Side Rock, &, 1/2 Pivot, Rock Fwd, Recover 3/4R, Together (3:00)
1 2&Step/rock R to right side, Recover weight on L, Step R next to L
3&4Step L to left side, Step R next to L, Step/rock L to left side
5&6Recover weight on R, Step L together, Step R fwd
7&Turn 1/2L weight on L, Step/rock R fwd,
8&Recover weight on L turning 3/4R, Step R together
[S6] L Side Rock, &, 1/4R Fwd w/ Sweep, Cross, Side, Behind w/ Sweep, Behind, Side, Rocking Chair (6:00)
1 2&Step/rock L to left side, Recover weight on R, Step L next to R
3 4&Turn 1/4R step R fwd sweeping L around R (from the back to the front), Cross L over R, Step R to right side
5 6&Step L behind R sweeping R around L (from the front to the back), Step R behind L, Step L to left side
7&8&Step/rock R fwd, Recover weight on L, Step/rock R back, Recover weight on L*
[S7] Side, Kick-Kick, Side, Touch Behind, Click, Hold, Side Rock, 1/4R Sailor Fwd (9:00)
1&2Step R to right side (1), Kick L fwd twice (&2)
&3&4Step L to left side (&), Touch R behind L (3), Click R fingers (&), Hold (4)
5 6Step/rock R to right side, Recover weight on L
7&8Turning 1/4R step R back, Step L beside R, Step R fwd
[S8] Side, Kick-Kick, Side, Touch Behind, Click, Hold, Side Rock, 1/4L Sailor Fwd (6:00)
1&2Step L to left side (1), Kick R fwd twice (&2)
&3&4Step R to right side (&), Touch L behind R (3), Click L fingers (&), Hold (4)
5 6Step/rock L to left side, Recover weight on R
7&8Turning 1/4L step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd
Restart1: Wall 1 Count 48*(6:00)
Restart 2: Wall 3 Count 32**+ Tag– Side Rock, Back Rock (12:00)
1 2 3 4Step R to side, Recover weight on L, Step R back, Recover weight on L
(Updated: 26/May/17)
Please contact me.
I will send Demo via e-mail as an attachment. (hirokocarlsson@gmail.com)
Last Site Update – 4th June 2017