Absolute Beginner
Intro: 32 Counts
Walls: 4 (without ¼ turn left to make 1 wall dance)
S1: Grapevine Right, touch, Grapevine Left, touch
1-2Step R to R side, step L behind R
3-4Step R to R side, touch L next to R
5-6Step L to L side, step R behind
7-8Step L to L side, touch R next to L
S2: Walk Forward, Kick, Walk Back together
1-2Walk forward stepping R, L
3-4Step R, kick L forward
5-6Walk back stepping L, R
7-8Step L, step R next to L
S3: Side Together Right x2, Side Together Left x2
1-2Step R side, step L together
3-4Step R side, touch L together
5-6Step L side, Step R together
7-8Step L side, touch R together
S4: Heel Dig Right and Left x 2 turning ¼ Left
1-2Dig R heel forward, place R beside L
3-4Dig L heel forward place L beside R, turn 1/8 L
5-6Dig R heel forward, place R beside L
7-8Dig L heel forward place L beside R, turn 1/8 L
S5: Step diagonally forward (x2) step diagonally back(x2)
1-2Step diagonally forward on R to R diagonal, tap L to R
3-4Step diagonally forward on L to L diagonal, close R next to L
5-6Step R diagonally back to R diagonal, tap L next to R
7-8Step L diagonally back to L diagonal, close R next to L
Live, Love, Dance xxx
Contact: snailham56@yahoo.co.uk
Walls: 4 (without ¼ turn left to make 1 wall dance)
S1: Grapevine Right, touch, Grapevine Left, touch
1-2Step R to R side, step L behind R
3-4Step R to R side, touch L next to R
5-6Step L to L side, step R behind
7-8Step L to L side, touch R next to L
S2: Walk Forward, Kick, Walk Back together
1-2Walk forward stepping R, L
3-4Step R, kick L forward
5-6Walk back stepping L, R
7-8Step L, step R next to L
S3: Side Together Right x2, Side Together Left x2
1-2Step R side, step L together
3-4Step R side, touch L together
5-6Step L side, Step R together
7-8Step L side, touch R together
S4: Heel Dig Right and Left x 2 turning ¼ Left
1-2Dig R heel forward, place R beside L
3-4Dig L heel forward place L beside R, turn 1/8 L
5-6Dig R heel forward, place R beside L
7-8Dig L heel forward place L beside R, turn 1/8 L
S5: Step diagonally forward (x2) step diagonally back(x2)
1-2Step diagonally forward on R to R diagonal, tap L to R
3-4Step diagonally forward on L to L diagonal, close R next to L
5-6Step R diagonally back to R diagonal, tap L next to R
7-8Step L diagonally back to L diagonal, close R next to L
Live, Love, Dance xxx
Contact: snailham56@yahoo.co.uk