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Lady In Red

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Advanced NC2S
Simon Ward (AUS) - April 2017
The Lady In Red - Chris de Burgh : (Album: Into The Light, iTunes)
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Restart: On Wall 3 you will Restart after count 24& to 12.00 (front wall)
Notes: Dance starts on vocals (approx. 19secs) , Finish dance on count 28 facing front wall

**Special thanks to Rachael McEnaney-White for her assistance in polishing this dance.

[1-7] R fwd ½ turn L, Weave R, Rock R side, Recover, Cross/step R, L fwd spiral turn R, Fwd R,L,R
1Step right forward turning ½ turn left sweeping left back 6.00
2&3Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Cross/step left over right 6.00
&4&Rock/step right to right side, Recover weight onto left, Cross/step right over left 6.00
5Step left forward to left diagonal making a full spiral turn right 4.30
6&7Step forward right, left, right 4.30

[8-16] L scissor step, R scissor step w/ ¼ turn L, Chasse L, L Basic
8&1Step left to left side to face 6.00, Step right beside left, Cross/step left over right
2&3Step right to right side turning ¼ turn left, Step left beside right, Cross/step right over left 3.00
4&Step left to left side, Step right beside left (use hips for styling) 3.00
5-6&Step large step left to left side, Rock/step right behind left, Recover weight onto left 3.00
7-8Turn ¼ turn right stepping on right sweeping left forward, Cross/step left over right 6.00

[17-24] ¼ turn L, Full turn L, ¼ turn L into L basic, ¼ turn R, ¾ turn R, Cross/rock L, Recover R, 1/8 turn L
1-2&Step right to right turning ¼ turn left 3.00, Continue a further ½ turn left stepping left forward 9.00 Make a further ½ turn left stepping right back 3.00
3-4&Turn a further ¼ turn left & step left to left side, Rock/step right behind left, Recover weight on left 12.00
5-6&Step right to right turning ¼ turn right 3.00, Turn a further ½ turn right stepping left back 9.00, Turn a further ¼ turn right stepping right to right side 12.00
7-8&Cross/rock left over right, Recover weight onto right, Step left to left turning 1/8 turn left 10.30
RESTART here to 12.00 on Wall 3 (front wall)

[25-32] Fwd R,L, R chase ½ turn L, Fwd L,R, L fwd, Pivot 3/8 turn R, Cross/step L, Step R to R
1-2Step right forward, Step left forward 10.30
3&4Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left, Step right forward 4.30
5-6Step left forward, Step right forward 4.30
7&8&Step left forward, Pivot 3/8 turn right taking weight onto right 9.00, Cross/step left over right, Step right to right side 9.00

[33-39] L behind with R sweep, Weave L, L scissor step, ¼ L, ½ L, Rock/step R fwd
1Step left behind right sweeping right back 9.00
2&3Step right behind left, Step left slightly to left side, Cross/step right over left 9.00
4&5Step left slightly to left, Step right beside left, Cross/step left over right 9.00
6&7Step right to right turning ¼ turn left 6.00, Step left back turning ½ turn left 12.00, Rock/step forward on right 12.00

[40-48] Recover L ½ turn R, R fwd, L fwd, Full turn triple step L, ½ turn back R, ½ R & drag, R coaster step, L fwd
8&1Recover weight back on left turning ½ turn right, Complete ½ turn right step right forward, Step left forward 6.00
2&3Step right forward turning ½ turn left, Step left back turning ½ turn left, Rock/step right forward 6.00
4&5Recover weight back on left turning ½ turn right, Complete ½ turn right step right forward 12.00, Turn a further ½ turn right stepping left back dragging right towards left 6.00
6&7Step right slightly back, Step left beside right, Step right forward 6.00
8Step left forward 6.00



21 MAR '24 50

9 评论

Christina Yang April 29, 2017
I really love this dong and it's wonderful choreography~♡

Christina Yang April 29, 2017
Really love this song~ 😅

Angela T April 30, 2017
Love the dance & song !

jenny w May 5, 2017
Loved the dance

Stokies May 6, 2017
Hi Simon.
This dance is so special the dancers we're interested the moment it was posted.I put in the time and the extra effort was well worth it, they loved it. Played 3 times during Friday class time they left skid marks rushing to the dance floor.It was a fantastic buzz for me I loved every moment of the teach. Thank you so much for your genius talent

Victoria X

nannyjanny May 7, 2017
Lovely Music - dance shades of recent choreo "Perfect"

Cakes March 19, 2019
Love, love this dance

HOMER2016 May 6, 2020
i never got the chance to learn this dance and never will. the bar i go to they never teach this high level line dance

Bart2016 April 1, 2021

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