CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Get Off My Back

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Kerly Luige (EST) - November 2005
Get Off My Back - Bryan Adams : (Album: Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron Soundtrack)
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Shuffle Forward, Step, Step, Pivot-Turn 1/4-Cross, Step, Behind
1&2Step right forward, step together with left, step right forward
3, 4Step left forward, step right forward
5&6Step left forward, make 1/4 turn to right lifting weight onto right, step left across right foot
7, 8Step right to right side, step left behind right foot

Heel & Knee & Heel & Hitch 1/4 & Side Touch & Side Touch & Heel & 1/4 Turn-Touch
1&2&Touch right heel forward, step together with right, bend your left knee in, step together with left
3&4&Touch right heel forward, step together with right, hitch left knee up, step together with left making 1/4 turn to left
5&6&Touch right toe to right side, step together with right, touch left toe to left side, step together with left
7&8&Touch right heel forward, step together with right, step left to left side making 1/4 turn to right, touch right next to left

Side Shuffle, Cross, Step, Sailor-Step, Sailor-Step 1/4
1&2Step right to right side, step together with left, step right to right side
3, 4Step left across right foot, step right to right side
5&6Step left behind right foot, step right to right side, step left to left side
7&8Step right behind left foot, step left to left side, step right forward making a 1/4 turn to right

Forward-Touch-Back-Touch, Shuffle Forward, Pivot-Turn 1/4, Cross & Cross
1&2&Step left forward, touch right toe behind left foot, step right back, touch left toe across right foot
3&4Step left forward, step together with right, step left forward
5, 6Step right forward, make 1/4 turn to left lifting weight onto left
7&8Step right across left foot, step left to left side, step right across left foot

Kick-Ball-Touch, Kick-Ball-Touch, Kick-Ball-Touch, Kick-Ball-Touch
1&2Kick left foot forward, ball on left, touch right toe to right side
3&4Kick right foot forward, ball on right, touch left toe to left side
5&6Kick left foot forward, ball on left, touch right toe to right side
7&8Kick right foot forward, ball on right, touch left toe to left side
While doing the kick-ball-touches, move slightly backwards

Knee Turn 1/4, Kick-Ball-Change, Pivot-Turn 1/2, Shuffle 1/2
1, 2Bend your left knee in, push your left knee out making a 1/4 turn to left lifting weight onto left
3&4Kick right foot forward, ball on right, step together with left
5, 6Step right forward, make 1/2 turn to left lifting weight onto left foot
7&8Step right to right side making 1/4 turn to left, step together with left, step right back making 1/4 turn to left

Coaster-Step, Pivot-Turn 1/4
1&2Step left back, step together with right, step left forward
3,4Step right forward, make 1/4 turn to left lifting weight onto left foot


During the second wall, dance the first 50 counts, then leave out the last 1/4 pivot-turn to left and start the third wall from the top (after the coaster-step).
During the fifth wall, dance the first 44 counts, do the "knee turn 1/4, kick-ball-change" and then start the sixth wall from the top.

Last Update - 2 Apr. 2024 - R1

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