Intro: 16 count – Start with weight on left foot
[1 – 8] Step, step, side rock cross, side rock, sailor 1/4
1 - 2Step R-foot forward, step L-foot forward
3 & 4Step R-foot to left, recover weight on L-foot, step R-foot across in front of L-foot
5 – 6Step L-foot to left, recover weight on R-foot
7 & 8Step L-foot ¼ turn to left behind R-foot, step R-foot next to L-foot, step L-foot forward
[9 – 16] Pivot turn ½ , chasse ¼, behind, side, cross shuffle
9 - 10Step R-foot forward, turn ½ ending with weight on L-foot
11 & 12Step R-foot 1/4 to left, side, step L-foot next to R-foot, step R-foot to right side
13 – 14Step L-foot behind R-foot, step R-foot to the right
15 & 16Step L-foot across in front of R-foot, step R-foot to right, step L-foot across in front of R-foot
[17 – 24] Heel grind ¼, toe and heel and cross, side, recover and side
17 – 18 &Right heel in floor, turn ¼ turn right on R-heel and recover R-foot next to L-foot
19 & 20 &Touch L-toe beside R-foot, recover L-foot beside R-foot, dig R-heel fwd, recover R-foot next to L-foot
21 – 22Step L-foot across in front of R-foot, step R-foot to the right
23 & 24Recover weight on L-foot, step R-foot next to L-foot, step L-foot to the left
[25 – 32] Cross, back and cross, side, sailor 1/2 turn, kick ball step
25 – 26 &Step R-foot across in front of L-foot, step L-foot back, step R-foot next to L-foot
27 - 28Step L-foot across in front of R-foot, step R-foot to right side
29 & 30Step L-foot ½ turn left, step R-foot next to L-foot, step L-foot forward
31 & 32Kick R-foot forward, recover R-foot next to L-foot, step L-foot forward
Ending: After wall 8, Step forward on right foot. End of dance
Enjoy and have fun.
Contact: horsemanship@live.dk
[1 – 8] Step, step, side rock cross, side rock, sailor 1/4
1 - 2Step R-foot forward, step L-foot forward
3 & 4Step R-foot to left, recover weight on L-foot, step R-foot across in front of L-foot
5 – 6Step L-foot to left, recover weight on R-foot
7 & 8Step L-foot ¼ turn to left behind R-foot, step R-foot next to L-foot, step L-foot forward
[9 – 16] Pivot turn ½ , chasse ¼, behind, side, cross shuffle
9 - 10Step R-foot forward, turn ½ ending with weight on L-foot
11 & 12Step R-foot 1/4 to left, side, step L-foot next to R-foot, step R-foot to right side
13 – 14Step L-foot behind R-foot, step R-foot to the right
15 & 16Step L-foot across in front of R-foot, step R-foot to right, step L-foot across in front of R-foot
[17 – 24] Heel grind ¼, toe and heel and cross, side, recover and side
17 – 18 &Right heel in floor, turn ¼ turn right on R-heel and recover R-foot next to L-foot
19 & 20 &Touch L-toe beside R-foot, recover L-foot beside R-foot, dig R-heel fwd, recover R-foot next to L-foot
21 – 22Step L-foot across in front of R-foot, step R-foot to the right
23 & 24Recover weight on L-foot, step R-foot next to L-foot, step L-foot to the left
[25 – 32] Cross, back and cross, side, sailor 1/2 turn, kick ball step
25 – 26 &Step R-foot across in front of L-foot, step L-foot back, step R-foot next to L-foot
27 - 28Step L-foot across in front of R-foot, step R-foot to right side
29 & 30Step L-foot ½ turn left, step R-foot next to L-foot, step L-foot forward
31 & 32Kick R-foot forward, recover R-foot next to L-foot, step L-foot forward
Ending: After wall 8, Step forward on right foot. End of dance
Enjoy and have fun.
Contact: horsemanship@live.dk