2 wall dance, but you will dance to all 4 walls with 2 Restarts
Count in on 16 counts from heavy beat after the talking
Section 1: Step right scuff left, step left scuff right, run forward right left right left
1-2Step right scuff left
3-4step left scuff right
5,6,7,8forward right left right left
Section 2: Monterey ½ turn right with touch and bring left foot back in together, grapevine ¼ left with a kick forward on right
1,2,3,4Monterey ½ turn right over - point right foot to right side and as you bring your right foot in turn a ½ over your right shoulder point your left toe to left side and then bring left toe back next to right and touch down
5,6,7,8Left to side right behind ¼ left on left and kick right foot forward
Section 3: Walk back right left right and hitch left, left coaster step
1,2,3,4Walk back right left right and hitch left up
5,6,7,8Step back left, step back right and step forward left
Section 4: Right side rock step into slow sailor shuffles
1-4Rock right to right side, step left in place, cross right behind left, rock left to left side
5-8Step right in place, cross left behind right, rock right to right side, step left foot in place
Restarts – Wall 3 Dance until the end of section 3 (this will change the direction of the dance to the side walls
Wall 10 again Dance until the end of section 3 and this will change the direction of the dance back again
Ending - Last wall you will start at the front. Dance until the end of section 3 but change you back coaster step to a coaster ¼ turn left.
Contact: xandrinax@live.co.uk
Count in on 16 counts from heavy beat after the talking
Section 1: Step right scuff left, step left scuff right, run forward right left right left
1-2Step right scuff left
3-4step left scuff right
5,6,7,8forward right left right left
Section 2: Monterey ½ turn right with touch and bring left foot back in together, grapevine ¼ left with a kick forward on right
1,2,3,4Monterey ½ turn right over - point right foot to right side and as you bring your right foot in turn a ½ over your right shoulder point your left toe to left side and then bring left toe back next to right and touch down
5,6,7,8Left to side right behind ¼ left on left and kick right foot forward
Section 3: Walk back right left right and hitch left, left coaster step
1,2,3,4Walk back right left right and hitch left up
5,6,7,8Step back left, step back right and step forward left
Section 4: Right side rock step into slow sailor shuffles
1-4Rock right to right side, step left in place, cross right behind left, rock left to left side
5-8Step right in place, cross left behind right, rock right to right side, step left foot in place
Restarts – Wall 3 Dance until the end of section 3 (this will change the direction of the dance to the side walls
Wall 10 again Dance until the end of section 3 and this will change the direction of the dance back again
Ending - Last wall you will start at the front. Dance until the end of section 3 but change you back coaster step to a coaster ¼ turn left.
Contact: xandrinax@live.co.uk