CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Intermediate - Country Pop
Todd Lescarbeau (USA) - March 2017
Fix - Chris Lane : (Album: Girl Problems)
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Dance starts on 2nd vocal of “Hey Girl” (approx. 16 counts in from start) No Tags Or Restarts.

I created this dance first, because I love the music. The interesting concept of this dance is that it is a 1 wall dance that “FEELS” like a 2 wall dance. The first half (32 counts) takes you to your back wall(6:00) the 2nd half of dance you will “Mirror”(same steps opposite side) the first half bringing you back to your starting wall 12:00). So, it feels like a 32 count 2 wall dance, however, it is a 64 count 1 wall dance. The whole Right-side Left-side concept can be a bit of a challenge. I hope you will enjoy this dance please give it a try and have fun!

[1-8] Walk RL, Rock-Side, Recover, Rock-Forward, Recover, Step Side, Cross, Side, Back, Cross, Back.
1,2,3&4&Walk forward R, L, Rock R to side, Recover onto L, Rock Forward on R, Recover onto L
5&6,7&8Step to Side Right on R, Cross step L over R. Step to side Right on R, Step back on diagonal Left on L Cross (or lock) R foot over L, Step back Left diagonal on L. (wt. should end on left)

[9 -16] Kick-Ball-Cross, Step, Heel Twist, 2 1/8 Paddle turns, Step-Lock-Step
1&2, 3&4Kick R forward, quickly step ball of R beside L, Cross-Step L over R. Step R to side (*toe pointing out) Twist heels out-in (shifting weight to L)
5&6&7&8Touch R out to side (5), turn 1/8 to left while hitching R knee up slightly(&), Touch R out to side(6) Turn 1/8 to left while hitching R knee up slightly (&), Step forward on R, Lock-step L up to R, R step Forward. (now facing 9:00)

[17 – 24] Side, Rock-Recover, Side, Rock-Recover, Step ¼, Step, ½, Coaster-Step
1, 2&, 3, 4&Step to Side L, quickly Rock back on R, Recover onto L, Step to Side R, quickly Rock back onto L,
5,6, 7&8Recover onto R, Step L into a ¼ turn Left (6:00), Step forward on Right and turn ½ Left (12:00),Step back on L, step R together, Step L forward.

[25 – 32]Touch Forward, Twist heel Out-In, Body- Roll (*or hip bump), Step, Turn, Step, Turn, Sweep, Step.
1&2, 3,4Touch R toe forward, Twist R heel out, then in, Body Roll (hip roll or bump 2 counts *Wt. should be on L)
5&6&7, 8Turning 1/8 R cross step R over L(2:00), Turn another 1/8 R stepping back on L (3:00), Turn 1/8 R cross step R over L (5:00),Turn 1/8 R Stepping back on L (6:00). Quickly Sweep R out and around (7), Step back on R. (*Wt. ends on R).Your new wall is now 6:00.

**The next 32 counts of the dance are a MIRROR of the first 32.
Everything you did on the Right side, you will now do on the Left side. This gives you a “Double Fix” of dance enjoyment!

[33 – 40] Walk LR, Rock-Side, Recover, Rock-Forward, Recover, Step Side, Cross, Side, Back, Cross, Back.
1,2,3&4&Walk forward L, R, Rock L to side, Recover onto R, Rock Forward on L, Recover onto R
5&6,7&8Step to Side Left on L, Cross step R over L. Step to side Left on L, Step back on diagonal Right on R Cross (or lock) L foot over R, Step back Right diagonal on R. (wt. should end on right)

[41 -48] Kick-Ball-Cross, Step, Heel Twist, 2 1/8 Paddle turns, Step-Lock-Step
1&2, 3&4Kick L forward, quickly step ball of L beside R, Cross-Step R over L. Step L to side (*toe pointing out) Twist heels out-in (shifting weight to R)
5&6&7&8Touch L out to side (5), turn 1/8 to Right while hitching L knee up slightly(&), Touch L out to side(6) Turn 1/8 to right while hitching L knee up slightly (&), Step forward on L, Lock-step R up to L, L step Forward. (now facing 9:00)

[49 – 56] Side, Rock-Recover, Side, Rock-Recover, Step ¼, Step, ½, Coaster-Step
1, 2&, 3, 4&Step to Side R, quickly Rock back on L, Recover onto R, Step to Side L, quickly Rock back onto R,
5,6, 7&8Recover onto L, Step R into a ¼ turn Right (12:00), Step forward on L and turn ½ Right (6:00), Step back on R, step L together, Step R forward.

[57 – 64] Touch Forward, Twist heel Out-In, Body- Roll (*or hip bump), Step, Turn, Step, Turn, Sweep, Step.
1&2, 3,4Touch L toe forward, Twist L heel out, then in, Body Roll (hip roll or bump 2 counts *Wt. should be on R)
5&6&7, 8Turning 1/8 L cross step L over R (4:00), Turn another 1/8 L stepping back on R (3:00), Turn 1/8 L cross step L over R (1:00) Turn 1/8 L Stepping back on R (12:00). Quickly Sweep L out and around (7), Step back on L.
(*Wt. ends on L). This brings you back to your original 12:00 wall to start again!

Contact: (413)824-6612

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