Start 24 counts, on vocals - No Tags Or Re-Starts
S1: R kick ball step, walk fwd, walk fwd, rocking chair (or pivot turn as alternative)
1&2Kick R foot fwd, step down on R, step fwd onto L
3-4Walk fwd R, walk fwd L,
5- 6Rock fwd onto R, recover onto L
7-8Rock back onto R, recover onto L
*Alternative for S1
*5-6 Step fwd on the R, pivot ½ turn to 06:00
*7-8 Step fwd on the R, pivot ½ turn to 12:00
S2: Cross rock, chasse, cross rock, chasse ¼ turn
1- 2Cross rock R over left, recover onto L
3&4Step R to R side, step L beside R, step R to R side
5- 6Cross rock L over R, recover onto R
7&8Step L to L side, Step R beside L, Step L to L side making ¼ turn to 09:00
S3: R toe strut fwd, L toe strut fwd, R rock recover, R coaster cross
1- 2Step R toe fwd, step down on R heel
3- 4Step L toe fwd, step down on L heel
5- 6Step fwd on R, recover onto L
7&8Step back onto R, step L to R, step R across L (09:00)
S4: L side rock recover, Behind-side-cross, Step-hold-and step-step together
1- 2Rock L to L side, recover onto R
3&4Step L behind R, step R to R side, step L across R
5-6Step R to R side, Hold
&7-8Step L to R, Step R to R side, step L beside R (09:00)
Julie Lockton (www.linedance-international.com) - contact@linedance-international.com
S1: R kick ball step, walk fwd, walk fwd, rocking chair (or pivot turn as alternative)
1&2Kick R foot fwd, step down on R, step fwd onto L
3-4Walk fwd R, walk fwd L,
5- 6Rock fwd onto R, recover onto L
7-8Rock back onto R, recover onto L
*Alternative for S1
*5-6 Step fwd on the R, pivot ½ turn to 06:00
*7-8 Step fwd on the R, pivot ½ turn to 12:00
S2: Cross rock, chasse, cross rock, chasse ¼ turn
1- 2Cross rock R over left, recover onto L
3&4Step R to R side, step L beside R, step R to R side
5- 6Cross rock L over R, recover onto R
7&8Step L to L side, Step R beside L, Step L to L side making ¼ turn to 09:00
S3: R toe strut fwd, L toe strut fwd, R rock recover, R coaster cross
1- 2Step R toe fwd, step down on R heel
3- 4Step L toe fwd, step down on L heel
5- 6Step fwd on R, recover onto L
7&8Step back onto R, step L to R, step R across L (09:00)
S4: L side rock recover, Behind-side-cross, Step-hold-and step-step together
1- 2Rock L to L side, recover onto R
3&4Step L behind R, step R to R side, step L across R
5-6Step R to R side, Hold
&7-8Step L to R, Step R to R side, step L beside R (09:00)
Julie Lockton (www.linedance-international.com) - contact@linedance-international.com