#16 count intro.
Section 1. Walk, Walk, Shuffle forward , step, Twist, twist, ¼ turn Twist.
1,2,3&4,5,6,7,8.walk forward Right , walk Left, step forward Right, step left to right, step forward Right,step forward onto Left, Twist both heels to the right,to the Left, twist to Right again at the same time turn ¼ to the left.
Section 2, Kick and point, kick and point, cross rock, chasse Right.
1&2,3&4,5,6,7&8,Kick right forward, step back onto Right, point left to side, kick Left forward, recover onto Left , point Right to side, Cross rock right over Left, recover onto left, step right to the side, step Left to right, step right to side,
Section 3. Cross rock,chasse left, ¼ turn, step ½ turn, step back Point-out to side.
1,2,3&4,5,6,7,8.Cross rock Left over right, recover onto Right, step Left to side, step Right to Left, ¼ turn Left, stepping onto Left. step forward onto Right, turn ½ to right stepping back onto Left, step back onto right, point Left to side.
Section 4. step forward ½ turn Left, step back on Right, Left shuffle back, step back and point-step forward and point.
1,2,3&4,5,6,7,8,.step forward on-left, ½ turn left stepping back onto right, step back Left, step right to Left, step back on left, step back onto Right, point Left to side, step forward Left , point Right to side.
Start again .
Restart on wall 2. after count 24 add a &, by bringing left to Right. Start again from the beginning.
Tag ..End of Wall 7, add a 4 counts Right Rocking chair .
1,2,3,4 ,Rock forward onto Right, recover rock back onto Right. Right. Recover onto Left. Start the dance again.
Section 1. Walk, Walk, Shuffle forward , step, Twist, twist, ¼ turn Twist.
1,2,3&4,5,6,7,8.walk forward Right , walk Left, step forward Right, step left to right, step forward Right,step forward onto Left, Twist both heels to the right,to the Left, twist to Right again at the same time turn ¼ to the left.
Section 2, Kick and point, kick and point, cross rock, chasse Right.
1&2,3&4,5,6,7&8,Kick right forward, step back onto Right, point left to side, kick Left forward, recover onto Left , point Right to side, Cross rock right over Left, recover onto left, step right to the side, step Left to right, step right to side,
Section 3. Cross rock,chasse left, ¼ turn, step ½ turn, step back Point-out to side.
1,2,3&4,5,6,7,8.Cross rock Left over right, recover onto Right, step Left to side, step Right to Left, ¼ turn Left, stepping onto Left. step forward onto Right, turn ½ to right stepping back onto Left, step back onto right, point Left to side.
Section 4. step forward ½ turn Left, step back on Right, Left shuffle back, step back and point-step forward and point.
1,2,3&4,5,6,7,8,.step forward on-left, ½ turn left stepping back onto right, step back Left, step right to Left, step back on left, step back onto Right, point Left to side, step forward Left , point Right to side.
Start again .
Restart on wall 2. after count 24 add a &, by bringing left to Right. Start again from the beginning.
Tag ..End of Wall 7, add a 4 counts Right Rocking chair .
1,2,3,4 ,Rock forward onto Right, recover rock back onto Right. Right. Recover onto Left. Start the dance again.