Intro: 32 count, starts right before vocals (Approx. 16 seconds)
Notes: Special thanks to Tony Tu for suggesting this track.
Sec 1: Corte (Press) Hold, Recover, Hold & Drag, Back, Sweep, Back, Sweep
1-2Press right forward to right diagonal, bend right knee, pointing left toe, hold
3-4Recover weight to left, stepping down left in place, hold & drag right towards left
5-8Step right back, sweep left from front to back, step left back, sweep right from front to back
Sec 2: Back Rock, Recover, Step Forward, Stomp, Twist Heels, Point, Hold
1-4Rock right back, recover on left, step right forward, stomp left next to right
5-8Twist both heels to right, left, twist left heel right, point right toe to right side, hold
Sec 3: Cross, 1/2 Hinge Turn Right, Point, Kick Ball Point, Drag & Hitch
1-4Cross right over left, ¼ right, step left back, ¼ right, step right to side, point left toe to left side (6:00)
5-8Kick left forward, step left ball next to right, point right toe to right, drag right towards left, hitch right
Sec 4: Extended Weave To Left, Flick
1-4Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side
5-8Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right behind left, flick left up out to left side
Sec 5: Cross, 1/4 Turn Left, Coaster, Step Forward, Flick, Step Back, Hook
1-4Cross left over right, make ¼ left, step right back, step left next to right, step right forward (3:00)
5-8Step left forward, flick up right behind left, step right back, hook left across right knee
Sec 6: Forward Lock Step, 1/2 Turn Left, Hitch, Forward Lock Step, 1/4 Turn Right, Hitch
1-4Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, turn ½ left use ball of left, hitch right (9:00)
5-8Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, ¼ right use ball of right, hitch left (12:00)
Sec 7: Step Forward, Hitch, 1/4 Turn Right, Point, 1/4 Turn Left, 1/2 Turn Left Hitch, Sway, Sway
1-4Step left forward, hitch right, make ¼ right, step right to right side, point left toe to left side (3:00)
5-8Make ¼ left, step left forward, make ½ left use ball of left, hitch right, sway right, left (6:00)
Sec 8: Reverse Rumba Box
1-4Big step right to right side, step left next to right, step right back, touch left next to right
5-8Big step left to left side, step right next to left, step left forward, low hitch right
Start Again And Enjoy!!!
Contact : Juliet Lam (lingling777@gmail.com)
Notes: Special thanks to Tony Tu for suggesting this track.
Sec 1: Corte (Press) Hold, Recover, Hold & Drag, Back, Sweep, Back, Sweep
1-2Press right forward to right diagonal, bend right knee, pointing left toe, hold
3-4Recover weight to left, stepping down left in place, hold & drag right towards left
5-8Step right back, sweep left from front to back, step left back, sweep right from front to back
Sec 2: Back Rock, Recover, Step Forward, Stomp, Twist Heels, Point, Hold
1-4Rock right back, recover on left, step right forward, stomp left next to right
5-8Twist both heels to right, left, twist left heel right, point right toe to right side, hold
Sec 3: Cross, 1/2 Hinge Turn Right, Point, Kick Ball Point, Drag & Hitch
1-4Cross right over left, ¼ right, step left back, ¼ right, step right to side, point left toe to left side (6:00)
5-8Kick left forward, step left ball next to right, point right toe to right, drag right towards left, hitch right
Sec 4: Extended Weave To Left, Flick
1-4Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side
5-8Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right behind left, flick left up out to left side
Sec 5: Cross, 1/4 Turn Left, Coaster, Step Forward, Flick, Step Back, Hook
1-4Cross left over right, make ¼ left, step right back, step left next to right, step right forward (3:00)
5-8Step left forward, flick up right behind left, step right back, hook left across right knee
Sec 6: Forward Lock Step, 1/2 Turn Left, Hitch, Forward Lock Step, 1/4 Turn Right, Hitch
1-4Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, turn ½ left use ball of left, hitch right (9:00)
5-8Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, ¼ right use ball of right, hitch left (12:00)
Sec 7: Step Forward, Hitch, 1/4 Turn Right, Point, 1/4 Turn Left, 1/2 Turn Left Hitch, Sway, Sway
1-4Step left forward, hitch right, make ¼ right, step right to right side, point left toe to left side (3:00)
5-8Make ¼ left, step left forward, make ½ left use ball of left, hitch right, sway right, left (6:00)
Sec 8: Reverse Rumba Box
1-4Big step right to right side, step left next to right, step right back, touch left next to right
5-8Big step left to left side, step right next to left, step left forward, low hitch right
Start Again And Enjoy!!!
Contact : Juliet Lam (lingling777@gmail.com)