Walk, Walk, Shuffle Forward, Rock/Recover 1/2 Turning Shuffle
1-2Walk forward right. left,
3&4Shuffle forward right-left-right
5-6Rock forward on left, recover on right
7&8Turning left 1/2 turn, triple left, right, left
Rock/Recover ½ Turn triple right-left-right, Rock/Recovery 1/4 Turn left, triple
1-2Rock forward on right, recovery on left
3&4Turn right ½ turn, triple right, left, right
5-6Rock forward on left, recover on right
7&8Turning 1/4 left triple left, right, left
Touch out & in and slide right, Touch out and in, slide left ¼ turn right
1-2Touch right toe out to side and bring back in and touch
3-4Step to the right and slide the left toe over to the right and touch
5-6Touch left toe out to side and bring back in and touch
7-8Step to the left and make a ¼ turn left slide the right foot beside of left
Double Hip bumps Right, Left, Right, Left
1-2Hip bump 2 times to the right
3-4Hip bump 2 times to the Left
5-6Hip bump 2 times to the right
7-8Hip bump 2 times to the Left
Restarts: Wall 3 and wall 6 after 24 counts then Restart.
(Wall 3 ends back wall restart here)
(Wall 6 ends front wall restart here)
Have Fun, Enjoy
1-2Walk forward right. left,
3&4Shuffle forward right-left-right
5-6Rock forward on left, recover on right
7&8Turning left 1/2 turn, triple left, right, left
Rock/Recover ½ Turn triple right-left-right, Rock/Recovery 1/4 Turn left, triple
1-2Rock forward on right, recovery on left
3&4Turn right ½ turn, triple right, left, right
5-6Rock forward on left, recover on right
7&8Turning 1/4 left triple left, right, left
Touch out & in and slide right, Touch out and in, slide left ¼ turn right
1-2Touch right toe out to side and bring back in and touch
3-4Step to the right and slide the left toe over to the right and touch
5-6Touch left toe out to side and bring back in and touch
7-8Step to the left and make a ¼ turn left slide the right foot beside of left
Double Hip bumps Right, Left, Right, Left
1-2Hip bump 2 times to the right
3-4Hip bump 2 times to the Left
5-6Hip bump 2 times to the right
7-8Hip bump 2 times to the Left
Restarts: Wall 3 and wall 6 after 24 counts then Restart.
(Wall 3 ends back wall restart here)
(Wall 6 ends front wall restart here)
Have Fun, Enjoy