Scuff, Hitch, Stomp, Hold, 2 Stomps, Scuff, Hitch, Stomp, Hold, 2 Stomps
1&2Scuff Right heel (1), Hitch Right Knee (&), Stomp Right foot forward (2)
3&4Hold (3), Stomp Left foot (&), Stomp Right foot (4)
5&6Scuff Left heel (5), Hitch Left Knee (&), Stomp Left foot forward (6)
7&8Hold (7), Stomp Right foot (&), Stomp Left foot (8)
Scuff, Hitch, Stomp, Hold, 2 Stomps, Scuff, Hitch, Stomp, Hold, 2 Stomps
1&2Scuff Right heel (1), Hitch Right Knee (&), Stomp Right foot forward (2)
3&4Hold (3), Stomp Left foot (&), Stomp Right foot (4)
5&6Scuff Left heel (5), Hitch Left Knee (&), Stomp Left foot forward (6)
7&8Hold (7), Stomp Right foot (&), Stomp Left foot (8)
Rock, Recover, ¼ turn step, cross, step, Sycopated weave, Step, ¼ pivot step
1&2Rock forward Right, Recover Left, turn ¼ step right stepping out with Right foot
3 4Step Left foot across in front, step Right to the side
5&6Step Left foot behind, Right foot to side, Left foot across in front
7 8Step Right to side, pivot ¼ turn Left, Step forward Left
Cross rock, Recover, Step, Cross Rock, Recover, Step, Step ½ pivot, Step ¼ pivot.
1&2Rock Right foot across, Recover Left, Step Right foot to side
3&4Rock Left foot across, Recover Right, Step Left foot to side.
5 6 7 8Step forward Right, Pivot ½ turn Step Left, Step forward Right, Pivot ¼ turn Step Left
Tag 1: 8 counts (End of wall 1)
Sailor step, Sailor Step, Sweep ½ turn Right, hold
1&2step right foot back behind left foot, step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left
3&4step Left foot back behind Right foot, step Right foot to Right side, step Left foot next to Right
5 6 7 8sweep right toe in clockwise circle from Left to Right as you make ½ turn right on ball of left foot, touch right toe next to left, hold
Tag 2: 4 counts (End of wall 6)
Sailor step, Sailor Step
1&2step right foot back behind left foot, step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left
3&4step Left foot back behind Right foot, step Right foot to Right side, step Left foot next to Right
Contact: ericbricker@outlook.com
1&2Scuff Right heel (1), Hitch Right Knee (&), Stomp Right foot forward (2)
3&4Hold (3), Stomp Left foot (&), Stomp Right foot (4)
5&6Scuff Left heel (5), Hitch Left Knee (&), Stomp Left foot forward (6)
7&8Hold (7), Stomp Right foot (&), Stomp Left foot (8)
Scuff, Hitch, Stomp, Hold, 2 Stomps, Scuff, Hitch, Stomp, Hold, 2 Stomps
1&2Scuff Right heel (1), Hitch Right Knee (&), Stomp Right foot forward (2)
3&4Hold (3), Stomp Left foot (&), Stomp Right foot (4)
5&6Scuff Left heel (5), Hitch Left Knee (&), Stomp Left foot forward (6)
7&8Hold (7), Stomp Right foot (&), Stomp Left foot (8)
Rock, Recover, ¼ turn step, cross, step, Sycopated weave, Step, ¼ pivot step
1&2Rock forward Right, Recover Left, turn ¼ step right stepping out with Right foot
3 4Step Left foot across in front, step Right to the side
5&6Step Left foot behind, Right foot to side, Left foot across in front
7 8Step Right to side, pivot ¼ turn Left, Step forward Left
Cross rock, Recover, Step, Cross Rock, Recover, Step, Step ½ pivot, Step ¼ pivot.
1&2Rock Right foot across, Recover Left, Step Right foot to side
3&4Rock Left foot across, Recover Right, Step Left foot to side.
5 6 7 8Step forward Right, Pivot ½ turn Step Left, Step forward Right, Pivot ¼ turn Step Left
Tag 1: 8 counts (End of wall 1)
Sailor step, Sailor Step, Sweep ½ turn Right, hold
1&2step right foot back behind left foot, step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left
3&4step Left foot back behind Right foot, step Right foot to Right side, step Left foot next to Right
5 6 7 8sweep right toe in clockwise circle from Left to Right as you make ½ turn right on ball of left foot, touch right toe next to left, hold
Tag 2: 4 counts (End of wall 6)
Sailor step, Sailor Step
1&2step right foot back behind left foot, step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left
3&4step Left foot back behind Right foot, step Right foot to Right side, step Left foot next to Right
Contact: ericbricker@outlook.com