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Susan Garrett (AUS) - February 2017
House - The McClymonts : (Single)
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Start: Weight on left, 8 count intro, “…. wanna complain”

S1: Forward, Rock, Back Shuffle, Back, Rock, Forward Shuffle
1 2 3&4Step R forward, Rock back onto L, Shuffle back R L R
5 6 7&8Step L back, Rock forward on R, Shuffle forward L R L

S2: Cross, Side, Sailor Step, Sailor Step, Heel, Together, Heel, Together
1 2Cross R over left, Step L to left
3&4Step R behind left, Step on ball of L to left, Replace weight on R
5&6Step L behind right, Step on ball of R to right, Replace weight on L
7&8&Touch R heel fwd, Step R beside left, Touch L heel fwd, Step L beside right

S3: Side, Rock, Hinge Turn Triple, Side, Rock, 1¼ Triple Turn
1 2 3&4Step R to right, Rock onto L, Turning 180 right Triple Step: RLR (on the spot) 6
5 6 7&8Step L to left, Rock onto R, Turning 270 left Triple Step: LRL (on the spot) 3

S4: Double Hip, Double Hip, Vaudeville, Vaudeville
1-4Step R to right and push hips right twice, Step L to left and push hips left twice
5&6&Cross R over left, Step L to left slightly back, Tap R heel to right diagonal, Step R beside left
7&8&Cross L over right, Step R to right slightly back, Tap L heel to left diagonal, Step L beside right

S5: Dorothy, Dorothy, Forward, Rock, Back, Lock, Back
1 2&Step R fwd on right diagonal, Lock L behind right., Step R fwd on right diagonal
3 4&Step L fwd on left diagonal, Lock R behind left., Step L fwd on left diagonal
5 6 7&8Step forward on R, Rock back onto L, Step back on R, Lock L in front of right, Step back on R

S6: Back, Lock, Back, Back, Rock, Kick, Ball, Forward, Kick, Ball, Forward
1&2 3 4Step back on L, Lock R in front of left, Step back on L, Step back on R, Rock forward onto L
5&6Kick R forward, Step R beside left, Step L slightly forward
7&8Kick R forward, Step R beside left, Step L slightly forward ****

S7: Side Shuffle , ¼Turn Shuffle , ¼Turn Shuffle, ¼Turn Shuffle,
1&2Step R to right, Step on ball of L beside right, Step R to right
3&4Turning 90 left step L to left, Step on ball of R beside left, Step L to left 12
5&6Turning 90 right step R to right, Step on ball of L beside right, Step R to right 9
7&8Turning 90 left step L to left, Step on ball of R beside left, Step L to left 6

S8: Stomp, Scuff, Scuff, Hitch Stomp,  Paddle,  Paddle
1 2Stomp R forward, Scuff L forward
3&4Scuff L back, Hitch L knee up, Stomp L slightly forward
5 6Step R forward, Turn 45 left place weight onto L
7 8Step R forward, Turn 45 left place weight onto L 3

TAG & RESTART: During Wall 2:
After Count 12 add an “&” by stepping L beside right to restart the dance at 3 o’clock.

BRIDGE: During Wall 5 after Count 48 when the music slows down, add the following and then continue on with the Shuffles at Count 49.
1-4Step R forward, Slow sweep L out to left, Step L forward, Slow sweep R out to right
5-7Cross R over left, Unwind 180 left (wt on left), Hold
(Please Note: There is a slight hesitation here after Count 7 - before you start the Shuffles.)

RESTART: During Wall 5: Restart the dance after Count 60 at 9 o’clock.
FINISH: Wall 7: Turn the 1¼ Hinge Triple into a 1½ Hinge Turn Triple and Stomp R to right.

Free to be copied provided no changes are made to the original choreography.
Susan Garrett (Contact: Jo Rosenblatt - 0417 074218)

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