Grind Right & Left Heels, Coaster Steps
1-2Step forward right grind heel, toes goes left then right
3&4Right coaster step
5-6Step forward left grind heel, toes goes right then left
7&8Left coaster step
Forward Right Lock Pops, Shuffle, ½ turn Right
1-2Step forward right, lock left behind as you pop right knee
3-4Repeat counts 1-2
5&6Shuffle forward right, left, right
7-8Step forward on left, pivot ½ right
Left & Right Points, Right & Left Sailor Steps
1-2&Point left to left, hold, bring left to right
3-4Point right to right,hold
5&6Right sailor step
7&8Left sailor step
Lean Diagonally Right & Left, tap Heel Taps
1-2-3-4Lean Diagonally forward on right, tap heels 4 times
5-6-7-8Lean Diagonally forward on left, tap heels 4 times
Tag & Restart 1-2 Counts, After Wall 3Dance First 8 Counts, Put Hands High on Chest
Exhale Twice, Restart Dance.
1-2Step forward right grind heel, toes goes left then right
3&4Right coaster step
5-6Step forward left grind heel, toes goes right then left
7&8Left coaster step
Forward Right Lock Pops, Shuffle, ½ turn Right
1-2Step forward right, lock left behind as you pop right knee
3-4Repeat counts 1-2
5&6Shuffle forward right, left, right
7-8Step forward on left, pivot ½ right
Left & Right Points, Right & Left Sailor Steps
1-2&Point left to left, hold, bring left to right
3-4Point right to right,hold
5&6Right sailor step
7&8Left sailor step
Lean Diagonally Right & Left, tap Heel Taps
1-2-3-4Lean Diagonally forward on right, tap heels 4 times
5-6-7-8Lean Diagonally forward on left, tap heels 4 times
Tag & Restart 1-2 Counts, After Wall 3Dance First 8 Counts, Put Hands High on Chest
Exhale Twice, Restart Dance.