#16 Count intro.
Cross, Rock & Cross, Rock & Cross, Walk fwd X 3
1Cross right over left
2&3Rock left to left side, replace weight on right, cross left over right
4&5Rock right to right side, replace weight on left, cross right over left
6,7,8Walk fwd left, walk fwd right, walk fwd left
Right shuffle forward, Pivot ½ turn, Rock Out Left & Rock Out Right
1&2Shuffle right forward right, left, right
3-4Step fwd left, pivot 1/2 turn right
5-6&Rock out left, replace weight on right, step onto left
7-8Rock out right, replace weight on left
Cross ¼ , ½ turn shuffle, Mambo left fwd, Sailor ½ turn (over right shoulder)
1-2Cross right over left, turn ¼ stepping back on left
3&4Turning ½ turn, shuffle right, left, right
5&6Rock fwd left, replace weight to right, step back left
7&8Step right behind left turning 1/4, turn ¼ over right shoulder stepping left to left side,step right to right side
Step left, kick ball step, drag right, left knee pop, right knee pop, 2 x right hip bumps
1step left fwd
2&3kick right foot fwd, replace weight to right, step left fwd
4drag right foot to left
5-6left knee pop, right knee pop
7-8bump right hip x 2
Begin Again.
*TAG*: Danced after section2 ( Count 16) on wall 10 (Facing 21:00)
Right Hip bumps
1, 2Bump Right Hip for 2 counts
*1 - After count 16 on wall 5 facing 18:00.
**2 – After count 16 on wall 7 facing 21:00
Contact: kellyblackzar@yahoo.ie
Cross, Rock & Cross, Rock & Cross, Walk fwd X 3
1Cross right over left
2&3Rock left to left side, replace weight on right, cross left over right
4&5Rock right to right side, replace weight on left, cross right over left
6,7,8Walk fwd left, walk fwd right, walk fwd left
Right shuffle forward, Pivot ½ turn, Rock Out Left & Rock Out Right
1&2Shuffle right forward right, left, right
3-4Step fwd left, pivot 1/2 turn right
5-6&Rock out left, replace weight on right, step onto left
7-8Rock out right, replace weight on left
Cross ¼ , ½ turn shuffle, Mambo left fwd, Sailor ½ turn (over right shoulder)
1-2Cross right over left, turn ¼ stepping back on left
3&4Turning ½ turn, shuffle right, left, right
5&6Rock fwd left, replace weight to right, step back left
7&8Step right behind left turning 1/4, turn ¼ over right shoulder stepping left to left side,step right to right side
Step left, kick ball step, drag right, left knee pop, right knee pop, 2 x right hip bumps
1step left fwd
2&3kick right foot fwd, replace weight to right, step left fwd
4drag right foot to left
5-6left knee pop, right knee pop
7-8bump right hip x 2
Begin Again.
*TAG*: Danced after section2 ( Count 16) on wall 10 (Facing 21:00)
Right Hip bumps
1, 2Bump Right Hip for 2 counts
*1 - After count 16 on wall 5 facing 18:00.
**2 – After count 16 on wall 7 facing 21:00
Contact: kellyblackzar@yahoo.ie