High Beginner
Dance starts 16 counts in at vocals
[1-8] Step R Forward, Front Mambo, Back Mambo, Side Rock, Ball Cross
1Step R forward
2&3Step L forward, Recover onto R, Step L back
4&5Step R back, Recover onto L, Step R forward
6&7Step L to left, Recover onto R, Cross L over R
&8Step R to right, Cross L over R
[9-16] Side Step, Hip Sway, Behind, 1/4 Step, Step Forward, Rock Forward, ½ Turn Triple
1,2Step R to right, Sway hips to right with a snap/bump on 2 (have fun with this move, make it sexy, dip and sway, or use hands with a snap on count 2, change it up with the song)
3&4Step R behind L, Turn ¼ left as you step L forward. Step R forward
5,6Rock L forward, Recover onto R
7&8Turn 1/4 left as you step L to left, Step R next to L, Turn 1/4 left as you step L forward
(Optional: Feel free to add an extra full turn during 7&8)
Start again! Make it slow and sexy!
Contact: (oneraddj@gmail.com)
[1-8] Step R Forward, Front Mambo, Back Mambo, Side Rock, Ball Cross
1Step R forward
2&3Step L forward, Recover onto R, Step L back
4&5Step R back, Recover onto L, Step R forward
6&7Step L to left, Recover onto R, Cross L over R
&8Step R to right, Cross L over R
[9-16] Side Step, Hip Sway, Behind, 1/4 Step, Step Forward, Rock Forward, ½ Turn Triple
1,2Step R to right, Sway hips to right with a snap/bump on 2 (have fun with this move, make it sexy, dip and sway, or use hands with a snap on count 2, change it up with the song)
3&4Step R behind L, Turn ¼ left as you step L forward. Step R forward
5,6Rock L forward, Recover onto R
7&8Turn 1/4 left as you step L to left, Step R next to L, Turn 1/4 left as you step L forward
(Optional: Feel free to add an extra full turn during 7&8)
Start again! Make it slow and sexy!
Contact: (oneraddj@gmail.com)