Start: 14 seconds in.
Sec 1: Right kick ball step, back, back, back. Left coaster step, step together step.
1&2Kick right forward, step on ball of right, long step forward left.
3&4Walk back R, L, R.
5&6Step back left, right together, forward left.
7&8Step right forward, left together, forward right. (12.00)
Sec 2: Cross & heel & cross & heel & step ½ turn, shuffle forward.
1&2Step left over right, right to right, left heel forward.
&3&4Step on left, step right over left, left to left, right heel forward.
&5-6Step on right, forward left, pivot ½ right. (Weight to right)
7&8Step forward left, right together, forward left. (6.00)
Sec 3: Chasse right, left sailor, right sailor ¼ turn right, step turn step.
1&2Step right to right, left together, right to right.
3&4Step left behind, right to right, step left to left.
5&6Step right behind, turn ¼ right stepping left to left, step right to right.
7&8Step forward left, ½ turn right stepping forward right, forward left (3.00)
Sec 4: Walk R, L, shuffle Forward, pivot ¼ right, behind side cross.
1-2Step forward right, forward left.
3&4Step forward right, left together, forward right
5-6Step forward left, pivot ¼ right, step right to right
7&8Step left behind, right to right, cross left over right.
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Contact: heelanjohnl@gmail.com
Sec 1: Right kick ball step, back, back, back. Left coaster step, step together step.
1&2Kick right forward, step on ball of right, long step forward left.
3&4Walk back R, L, R.
5&6Step back left, right together, forward left.
7&8Step right forward, left together, forward right. (12.00)
Sec 2: Cross & heel & cross & heel & step ½ turn, shuffle forward.
1&2Step left over right, right to right, left heel forward.
&3&4Step on left, step right over left, left to left, right heel forward.
&5-6Step on right, forward left, pivot ½ right. (Weight to right)
7&8Step forward left, right together, forward left. (6.00)
Sec 3: Chasse right, left sailor, right sailor ¼ turn right, step turn step.
1&2Step right to right, left together, right to right.
3&4Step left behind, right to right, step left to left.
5&6Step right behind, turn ¼ right stepping left to left, step right to right.
7&8Step forward left, ½ turn right stepping forward right, forward left (3.00)
Sec 4: Walk R, L, shuffle Forward, pivot ¼ right, behind side cross.
1-2Step forward right, forward left.
3&4Step forward right, left together, forward right
5-6Step forward left, pivot ¼ right, step right to right
7&8Step left behind, right to right, cross left over right.
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Contact: heelanjohnl@gmail.com