High Beginner
Dance sequence:
1st wall 72 count
2nd wall 16 count
3rd wall 72 count
4th wall 40 count
5th wall 72 count
6th wall 20 count
1 2 3 4Rock L fwd, Recover R, touch L, step back L
5 6 7 8Rock R back, recover L, touch R, step R fwd
1 2 3&4Step L fwd, pivot ½ turn R, shuffle fwd LRL (6.00)
5 6 7&8Step R fwd, pivot ½ turn L, shuffle fwd RLR (12.00)
1 2 3 4Step L fwd, ¼ turn R recover R, Step L fwd, ¼ turn R recover R
( Last wall you will finish here: paddle ½ turn R twice to face front )
5 6 7 8Step L fwd, ¼ turn R recover R, Step L fwd, ¼ turn R recover R (12.00)
1 2 3&4Cross L over R, recover R, ¼ L turn shuffle fwd LRL (9.00)
5 6 7&8Rock R fwd, pivot ½ turn L step L fwd, ½ turn L shuffle back RLR (9.00)
1 2 3&4½ turn L step L fwd, recover R, back shuffle LRL (3.00)
5 6 7&8Rock R back, recover L, ¼ turn L shuffle fwd RLR (12.00)
1 2 3 4Step L, touch R beside, step R, touch L beside
5 6 7 8Step L, hitch R making ¼ turn R, shuffle fwd RLR (3.00)
1 - 8Repeat above steps (6.00)
1&2 3&4Step L, bump R hip up then down, ¼ turn L step R, bump L hip up then down (3.00)
5&6 7&8¼ turn L Step L, bump R hip up then down, Step R, bump L hip up then down (12.00)
1 2 3&4Cross L over R, touch R to R, cross R over L, touch L to L
5 6 7&8Rock L fwd, recover R a big step back dragging L , bump RLR
Contact ~ Email: kennyteho@yahoo.com
1st wall 72 count
2nd wall 16 count
3rd wall 72 count
4th wall 40 count
5th wall 72 count
6th wall 20 count
1 2 3 4Rock L fwd, Recover R, touch L, step back L
5 6 7 8Rock R back, recover L, touch R, step R fwd
1 2 3&4Step L fwd, pivot ½ turn R, shuffle fwd LRL (6.00)
5 6 7&8Step R fwd, pivot ½ turn L, shuffle fwd RLR (12.00)
1 2 3 4Step L fwd, ¼ turn R recover R, Step L fwd, ¼ turn R recover R
( Last wall you will finish here: paddle ½ turn R twice to face front )
5 6 7 8Step L fwd, ¼ turn R recover R, Step L fwd, ¼ turn R recover R (12.00)
1 2 3&4Cross L over R, recover R, ¼ L turn shuffle fwd LRL (9.00)
5 6 7&8Rock R fwd, pivot ½ turn L step L fwd, ½ turn L shuffle back RLR (9.00)
1 2 3&4½ turn L step L fwd, recover R, back shuffle LRL (3.00)
5 6 7&8Rock R back, recover L, ¼ turn L shuffle fwd RLR (12.00)
1 2 3 4Step L, touch R beside, step R, touch L beside
5 6 7 8Step L, hitch R making ¼ turn R, shuffle fwd RLR (3.00)
1 - 8Repeat above steps (6.00)
1&2 3&4Step L, bump R hip up then down, ¼ turn L step R, bump L hip up then down (3.00)
5&6 7&8¼ turn L Step L, bump R hip up then down, Step R, bump L hip up then down (12.00)
1 2 3&4Cross L over R, touch R to R, cross R over L, touch L to L
5 6 7&8Rock L fwd, recover R a big step back dragging L , bump RLR
Contact ~ Email: kennyteho@yahoo.com