#16 counts intro, starts on vocal (available at Itunes)
Section 1: Side, back rock-recover, ½ turn, sweep ¼ turn behind-side-cross, sway x 2, behind-side
1Long step with right foot to right side
2&3Rock back on left foot, recover weight onto right foot, ½ turn right step back on left foot sweeping right foot from front to behind the left foot (6:00)
4&5Still sweeping right foot do a ¼ turn right and step right foot across behind of left, step left to left side, step right foot across in front of left foot (9:00)
6-7Step left to left side and sway body left, sway body to right and change weight to right foot
8&Step left foot behind of right, step right to right side
Section 2: Step, forward rock-revocer, back step x 2, ½ turn, pivot 3/8, side-behind-side-cross
11/8 turn right step left forward (10:30)
2-3Rock right foot forward on the right diagonal, recover weight onto left foot
4&5Step right foot back, step left foot back, ½ turn right step forward on right foot (4:30)
6&7Step left foot forward, pivot turn 3/8 right ending with weight on right foot across in front of left, step left foot to left side (12:00)
&8&Step right foot behind of left, step left foot to left side, step right foot across in front of left foot
Section 3: Side, back rock-recover, ½ turn in place, coaster step, step forward, rock, recover-together
1Long step with left foot to left side
2&3Rock right foot back, recover weight onto left foot, step right foot forward
4½ turn left in place keeping weight onto right foot (6:00)
5&6Step left foot back, recover weight onto right, step left foot forward
&7Step right foot forward, rock forward onto left foot
8&Recover weight onto right foot, step left foot next to right
Section 4: ¼ turn step side, drag, behind-side-cross, unwind ½, behind-side-cross, scissor step, side-behind
1¼ turn right step long step with right foot to right side dragging left slowly towards right foot (9:00)
2&3Step left foot behind of right, step right foot to right side, step left across in front of right foot
4Unwind ½ turn right weight still on left foot sweeping right foot from front to back (3:00)
5&6Step right foot behind of left, step left foot to left side, step right foot across in front of left
&7Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left
&8&Step left foot across in front of right foot, step right foot to right side, step left foot behind of right
Urban Danielsson, Munkholmsv.17 193 40 Sigtuna, Sweden, info@cuwesternline.se
Section 1: Side, back rock-recover, ½ turn, sweep ¼ turn behind-side-cross, sway x 2, behind-side
1Long step with right foot to right side
2&3Rock back on left foot, recover weight onto right foot, ½ turn right step back on left foot sweeping right foot from front to behind the left foot (6:00)
4&5Still sweeping right foot do a ¼ turn right and step right foot across behind of left, step left to left side, step right foot across in front of left foot (9:00)
6-7Step left to left side and sway body left, sway body to right and change weight to right foot
8&Step left foot behind of right, step right to right side
Section 2: Step, forward rock-revocer, back step x 2, ½ turn, pivot 3/8, side-behind-side-cross
11/8 turn right step left forward (10:30)
2-3Rock right foot forward on the right diagonal, recover weight onto left foot
4&5Step right foot back, step left foot back, ½ turn right step forward on right foot (4:30)
6&7Step left foot forward, pivot turn 3/8 right ending with weight on right foot across in front of left, step left foot to left side (12:00)
&8&Step right foot behind of left, step left foot to left side, step right foot across in front of left foot
Section 3: Side, back rock-recover, ½ turn in place, coaster step, step forward, rock, recover-together
1Long step with left foot to left side
2&3Rock right foot back, recover weight onto left foot, step right foot forward
4½ turn left in place keeping weight onto right foot (6:00)
5&6Step left foot back, recover weight onto right, step left foot forward
&7Step right foot forward, rock forward onto left foot
8&Recover weight onto right foot, step left foot next to right
Section 4: ¼ turn step side, drag, behind-side-cross, unwind ½, behind-side-cross, scissor step, side-behind
1¼ turn right step long step with right foot to right side dragging left slowly towards right foot (9:00)
2&3Step left foot behind of right, step right foot to right side, step left across in front of right foot
4Unwind ½ turn right weight still on left foot sweeping right foot from front to back (3:00)
5&6Step right foot behind of left, step left foot to left side, step right foot across in front of left
&7Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left
&8&Step left foot across in front of right foot, step right foot to right side, step left foot behind of right
Urban Danielsson, Munkholmsv.17 193 40 Sigtuna, Sweden, info@cuwesternline.se