Intermediate NC
Lead: 16 cts.
[1-8] Cross Sweep, Cross Step ¼ L, Step Back, ¼ L, ¼L, ¼ Sway, Sway, Step Side, Rock, Return
1 2&Step R in front of L sweeping your L from back to front; Step L in front of R; Turn ¼ left stepping back on R
3 4&Step L back; Turn ¼ left stepping your R behind your L; Turn ¼ left stepping your L forward
5 - 6Turn ¼ left stepping your R side right into a swaying motion; Sway to your left (weight L)
7 8&Step R side right; Rock back onto your L; Return onto your R (12:00)
[9-16] Full Spiral Turn, 2 Steps Forward (diag.) Lunge, Return, Back, Side, Cross, ¼ R, ¼ R, Cross, Side
1 2&Step forward on ball of L turning full turn right to left diag. (11 o’clock); Step R forward; Step L forward
3 4&Lunge (rock) forward onto your R (weight over R knee); Step L back; Step R back crossing slightly behind
5 6&Step L side right (open slightly to left diagonal); Step R in font of L; Turn ¼ right stepping back on L
7 8&Turn and sweep L ¼ right stepping R side right; Cross L in front of R; Step R side right (3:00)
[17-24] Cross/Sweep, Cross, Side, Back, Rock, Return ½ R, Back, Rock, Return, Full Spiral, Step, Step
1 2&Cross L in front of R as you sweep your R from back to front; Step R in front of L; Step L side left
3 4&Step R back to face right diagonal (4:30); Rock back on your L; Return onto your R as you pivot ½ turn right
5 6&Step back onto your L; Rock back onto you R; Return weight to your L
7 8&Step R slightly forward into a full spiral left turn; Small step L forward; Small step R forward (11:00)
[25-32] ½ Turn, Rock, Return, Back, Back, Side, Sway Return, Behind, Side
1 2&Turn ½ left onto your L; Rock forward on R to left diagonal; Return onto L in place (4:30)
3 4&Step back on your R; Step back on your L; Step R side right (square up and open hips slightly to right)
5 - 6Step L in front of R; Sway R stepping R side right
7 8&Return weight to L (pull right hip slightly back on diag. 7:30); Step R behind L; Step L side left (6:00)
Begin Again!
Tag #1 End of wall 2 there is an 8-count tag (1-8&). It starts on the front wall and ends on the front wall
Cross, Side, Lean/Look Left, Full Turn Right, Serpentine Weave
1, 2, 3Cross R in front of L; Step L side left; Shift upper body to lean left, look left and swing both arms to the left
4 & 5Turn ¼ right onto R; Turn ½ right stepping back on L; Turn ¼ right stepping R side right (12:00)
6 & 7Cross L in front of R; Step R side right; Step L behind R as you sweep your R from front to back
8 &Step R behind L; Step L side left (&) Begin the dance at this point!
Tag #2 End of wall 4 there is a 4-count tag (1-4&). It starts on the front wall and ends on the front wall
Serpentine Weave
1, 2&Step R in front of left sweeping your left from back to front; Step L in front of R; Step R side right
3, 4&Step L behind R as you sweep your R from front to back; Step R behind L; Step L side left (&) Begin here!
Ending: Dance the last 8 & cts. on the back wall. Turn ½ left stepping R side right facing front on count 1 of the 8&1.
Contacts - Email & Web:-
Jo Kinser: Jo@JJKDancin.com - www.jjkdancin.com
Jonas Dahlgren: dahlgren.jonas@hotmail.com - www.Jonasbacktobasic.com
Michael Barr: mbarr@saber.net - www.MichaelandMichele.com
[1-8] Cross Sweep, Cross Step ¼ L, Step Back, ¼ L, ¼L, ¼ Sway, Sway, Step Side, Rock, Return
1 2&Step R in front of L sweeping your L from back to front; Step L in front of R; Turn ¼ left stepping back on R
3 4&Step L back; Turn ¼ left stepping your R behind your L; Turn ¼ left stepping your L forward
5 - 6Turn ¼ left stepping your R side right into a swaying motion; Sway to your left (weight L)
7 8&Step R side right; Rock back onto your L; Return onto your R (12:00)
[9-16] Full Spiral Turn, 2 Steps Forward (diag.) Lunge, Return, Back, Side, Cross, ¼ R, ¼ R, Cross, Side
1 2&Step forward on ball of L turning full turn right to left diag. (11 o’clock); Step R forward; Step L forward
3 4&Lunge (rock) forward onto your R (weight over R knee); Step L back; Step R back crossing slightly behind
5 6&Step L side right (open slightly to left diagonal); Step R in font of L; Turn ¼ right stepping back on L
7 8&Turn and sweep L ¼ right stepping R side right; Cross L in front of R; Step R side right (3:00)
[17-24] Cross/Sweep, Cross, Side, Back, Rock, Return ½ R, Back, Rock, Return, Full Spiral, Step, Step
1 2&Cross L in front of R as you sweep your R from back to front; Step R in front of L; Step L side left
3 4&Step R back to face right diagonal (4:30); Rock back on your L; Return onto your R as you pivot ½ turn right
5 6&Step back onto your L; Rock back onto you R; Return weight to your L
7 8&Step R slightly forward into a full spiral left turn; Small step L forward; Small step R forward (11:00)
[25-32] ½ Turn, Rock, Return, Back, Back, Side, Sway Return, Behind, Side
1 2&Turn ½ left onto your L; Rock forward on R to left diagonal; Return onto L in place (4:30)
3 4&Step back on your R; Step back on your L; Step R side right (square up and open hips slightly to right)
5 - 6Step L in front of R; Sway R stepping R side right
7 8&Return weight to L (pull right hip slightly back on diag. 7:30); Step R behind L; Step L side left (6:00)
Begin Again!
Tag #1 End of wall 2 there is an 8-count tag (1-8&). It starts on the front wall and ends on the front wall
Cross, Side, Lean/Look Left, Full Turn Right, Serpentine Weave
1, 2, 3Cross R in front of L; Step L side left; Shift upper body to lean left, look left and swing both arms to the left
4 & 5Turn ¼ right onto R; Turn ½ right stepping back on L; Turn ¼ right stepping R side right (12:00)
6 & 7Cross L in front of R; Step R side right; Step L behind R as you sweep your R from front to back
8 &Step R behind L; Step L side left (&) Begin the dance at this point!
Tag #2 End of wall 4 there is a 4-count tag (1-4&). It starts on the front wall and ends on the front wall
Serpentine Weave
1, 2&Step R in front of left sweeping your left from back to front; Step L in front of R; Step R side right
3, 4&Step L behind R as you sweep your R from front to back; Step R behind L; Step L side left (&) Begin here!
Ending: Dance the last 8 & cts. on the back wall. Turn ½ left stepping R side right facing front on count 1 of the 8&1.
Contacts - Email & Web:-
Jo Kinser: Jo@JJKDancin.com - www.jjkdancin.com
Jonas Dahlgren: dahlgren.jonas@hotmail.com - www.Jonasbacktobasic.com
Michael Barr: mbarr@saber.net - www.MichaelandMichele.com