Low Intermediate
S1: Rock, Recover, Shuffle Back, Full Turn, Sailor 1/4 Left
1,2Rock Fwd R, Recover L
3&4Shuffle back R,L,R
5,6Making ½ turn L step Fwd onto R, making 1/2 turn L step back onto R
7&8Cross L behind R making a 1/4 turn L, Step R next to L
S2: Monterey 1/2 Turn R, Lindy R
1,2Point right toe out to side, bring right foot in next to left with 1/2 turn spin
3,4Point left toe out to left side, bring left foot in next to right foot (switch weight from R to L)
5&6Shuffle side, R,L,R
7,8Rock back L, recover R
S3: 1/4 R x2, Cross Shuffle, Step R, Touch L, Kick Ball Cross
1,2Make a 1/4 turn R and step back on L, Make a 1/4 turn R and step R to R side
3&4Cross shuffle L,R,L
5,6Step R, touch L
7&8Kick L (diagonally to L), Step L to L, Step R across L
S4: 1/4 L, Shuffle Fwd, 1/4 L, Shuffle side, Rock, Recover, Shuffle Fwd
1&2 1/4 turn L, shuffle Fwd L,R,L
3&4 1/4 turn L, shuffle side R,L,R
5,6Rock back L, recover R
7&8Shuffle fwd L,R,L
TAG 1: 16 count Tag at end of walls 1 and 3:
1,2 3&4Big step R, slide L next to R, kick ball cross,
5,6, 7&8Big step L, slide R next to left, kick ball cross,
1,2, 3&4Big step R, slide L next to R, kick ball cross,
5.6.7&8Big step L, slide R next to left, kick ball step
TAG 2: 2 count Tag at end of wall 2:
1-2Rock R, Recover L
Contact: dan_powers@icloud.com
1,2Rock Fwd R, Recover L
3&4Shuffle back R,L,R
5,6Making ½ turn L step Fwd onto R, making 1/2 turn L step back onto R
7&8Cross L behind R making a 1/4 turn L, Step R next to L
S2: Monterey 1/2 Turn R, Lindy R
1,2Point right toe out to side, bring right foot in next to left with 1/2 turn spin
3,4Point left toe out to left side, bring left foot in next to right foot (switch weight from R to L)
5&6Shuffle side, R,L,R
7,8Rock back L, recover R
S3: 1/4 R x2, Cross Shuffle, Step R, Touch L, Kick Ball Cross
1,2Make a 1/4 turn R and step back on L, Make a 1/4 turn R and step R to R side
3&4Cross shuffle L,R,L
5,6Step R, touch L
7&8Kick L (diagonally to L), Step L to L, Step R across L
S4: 1/4 L, Shuffle Fwd, 1/4 L, Shuffle side, Rock, Recover, Shuffle Fwd
1&2 1/4 turn L, shuffle Fwd L,R,L
3&4 1/4 turn L, shuffle side R,L,R
5,6Rock back L, recover R
7&8Shuffle fwd L,R,L
TAG 1: 16 count Tag at end of walls 1 and 3:
1,2 3&4Big step R, slide L next to R, kick ball cross,
5,6, 7&8Big step L, slide R next to left, kick ball cross,
1,2, 3&4Big step R, slide L next to R, kick ball cross,
5.6.7&8Big step L, slide R next to left, kick ball step
TAG 2: 2 count Tag at end of wall 2:
1-2Rock R, Recover L
Contact: dan_powers@icloud.com