Phrased Intermediate
Intro: 16 Counts - Pattern: A, B, A, A (Restart), A, B, A, A, A, A
Part A
Out, Out, In, Touch, Dorothy step L, Touch R with Knee pop, L knee pop
1-2Step out to R diagonal with RF, Step out to L diagonal with LF
3-4Step back on RF, Touch LF next to RF
5-6&Step LF forward to L diagonal, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF forward to L diagonal
7-8Make a 1/8 turn R and touch RF slightly forward popping R knee forward, Change weight onto RF and pop L knee forward (now facing 1:30)
Step with sweep, Cross, Chasse L, Back with sweep, Cross behind, Sway R, Sway L
1-2Step forward on LF and sweep RF from back to front, Cross RF in front of LF making a 1/8 turn L now facing (12:00)
3&4Step LF to L side, Close RF next to LF, Step LF to L side
5-6Step back on RF and sweep LF from front to back, Cross LF behind RF
7-8Step RF to R side and Sway hips to R, Sway hips to L
Restart he on wall 4 (3rd A)
R sailor step, Hitch L, Touch L, ¼ L with arm stretch, ¼ turn L
1&2Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Step RF to R side
3-4Hitch L knee bringing it in slightly, Touch LF to L side
5-6Make a ¼ turn L over 2 counts finishing with weight on LF
7-8Start to push R hand across body to the L (around shoulder level ), Make a ¼ turn L and continue to stretch with R hand now stretching forward (weight ends on LF)
Cross R, Rock L, Recover, Cross L, Rock R, Recover, Jazz Box with R
1&2Cross RF over LF, Rock LF to L side, Recover onto RF
3&4Cross LF over RF, Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LF
5-6Cross RF over LF, Step back on LF
7-8Step RF to R side, Step forward on LF
Part B
Walk back x4 (R,L,R,L), ¼ turn L, Walk back x4 (R,L.R,L)
1-2Step back on RF, Step back on LF
3-4Step back on RF, Step back on LF
5-6Make a ¼ turn L and step back on RF, Step back on LF
7-8Step back on RF, Step back on LF
(The above 8 counts should be danced with a little shoulder shimmy)
Step to R, Hip roll x2, 1/8 Pivot turn L x2
1-2Step RF to R side and start to roll hips around, Finish rolling hips around with a little pop of the hip to the L
3-4Reverse the hip roll to the opposite direction, Finish rolling hips around with a little pop of the hip to the R
5-6Step forward on RF, Make a ¼ turn pivot L
7-8Step forward on RF, Make a ¼ turn pivot L
Walk back x4 (R,L,R,L), ¼ turn L, Walk back x4 (R,L.R,L)
1-2Step back on RF, Step back on LF
3-4Step back on RF, Step back on LF
5-6Make a ¼ turn L and step back on RF, Step back on LF
7-8Step back on RF, Step back on LF
(The above 8 counts should be danced with a little shoulder shimmy)
Step to R, Hip roll x2, 1/8 Pivot turn L x2
1-2Step RF to R side and start to roll hips around, Finish rolling hips around with a little pop of the hip to the L
3-4Reverse the hip roll to the opposite direction, Finish rolling hips around with a little pop of the hip to the R
5-6Step forward on RF, Make a 1/8 turn pivot L
7-8Step forward on RF, Make a 1/8 turn pivot L
Hope you enjoy the dance.
Live to Love; Dance to Express.
Last Update – 6th Dec 2016
Part A
Out, Out, In, Touch, Dorothy step L, Touch R with Knee pop, L knee pop
1-2Step out to R diagonal with RF, Step out to L diagonal with LF
3-4Step back on RF, Touch LF next to RF
5-6&Step LF forward to L diagonal, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF forward to L diagonal
7-8Make a 1/8 turn R and touch RF slightly forward popping R knee forward, Change weight onto RF and pop L knee forward (now facing 1:30)
Step with sweep, Cross, Chasse L, Back with sweep, Cross behind, Sway R, Sway L
1-2Step forward on LF and sweep RF from back to front, Cross RF in front of LF making a 1/8 turn L now facing (12:00)
3&4Step LF to L side, Close RF next to LF, Step LF to L side
5-6Step back on RF and sweep LF from front to back, Cross LF behind RF
7-8Step RF to R side and Sway hips to R, Sway hips to L
Restart he on wall 4 (3rd A)
R sailor step, Hitch L, Touch L, ¼ L with arm stretch, ¼ turn L
1&2Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Step RF to R side
3-4Hitch L knee bringing it in slightly, Touch LF to L side
5-6Make a ¼ turn L over 2 counts finishing with weight on LF
7-8Start to push R hand across body to the L (around shoulder level ), Make a ¼ turn L and continue to stretch with R hand now stretching forward (weight ends on LF)
Cross R, Rock L, Recover, Cross L, Rock R, Recover, Jazz Box with R
1&2Cross RF over LF, Rock LF to L side, Recover onto RF
3&4Cross LF over RF, Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LF
5-6Cross RF over LF, Step back on LF
7-8Step RF to R side, Step forward on LF
Part B
Walk back x4 (R,L,R,L), ¼ turn L, Walk back x4 (R,L.R,L)
1-2Step back on RF, Step back on LF
3-4Step back on RF, Step back on LF
5-6Make a ¼ turn L and step back on RF, Step back on LF
7-8Step back on RF, Step back on LF
(The above 8 counts should be danced with a little shoulder shimmy)
Step to R, Hip roll x2, 1/8 Pivot turn L x2
1-2Step RF to R side and start to roll hips around, Finish rolling hips around with a little pop of the hip to the L
3-4Reverse the hip roll to the opposite direction, Finish rolling hips around with a little pop of the hip to the R
5-6Step forward on RF, Make a ¼ turn pivot L
7-8Step forward on RF, Make a ¼ turn pivot L
Walk back x4 (R,L,R,L), ¼ turn L, Walk back x4 (R,L.R,L)
1-2Step back on RF, Step back on LF
3-4Step back on RF, Step back on LF
5-6Make a ¼ turn L and step back on RF, Step back on LF
7-8Step back on RF, Step back on LF
(The above 8 counts should be danced with a little shoulder shimmy)
Step to R, Hip roll x2, 1/8 Pivot turn L x2
1-2Step RF to R side and start to roll hips around, Finish rolling hips around with a little pop of the hip to the L
3-4Reverse the hip roll to the opposite direction, Finish rolling hips around with a little pop of the hip to the R
5-6Step forward on RF, Make a 1/8 turn pivot L
7-8Step forward on RF, Make a 1/8 turn pivot L
Hope you enjoy the dance.
Live to Love; Dance to Express.
Last Update – 6th Dec 2016