CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased High Intermediate
Liam Hrycan (UK) - November 2016
Perm - Bruno Mars : (Album: '24K Magic' - single - iTunes)
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INTRO: 4C, start on the lyrics

NOTE: GIVE THE DANCE A CHANCE! It’s not quite as hard as it looks and the music guides you through each part. There is also some repetition to help you along. The dance travels quite a bit, so don’t use unnecessarily large steps.

A[1-8] Walk Fwd (L,R), L Toe Touches (Fwd, Back), Walk Forward (L,R), L Toe Touches (Fwd, Back)
1,2Walk forward – stepping left, right
3,4Touch left toe forward, touch left toe back
5,6Walk forward – stepping left, right
7,8Touch left toe forward, touch left toe back

A[9-16] L Rock Fwd/Recover, L Side Step, R Cross Rock/Recover, R Chasse (¼-R), L Hitch
1,2Rock left foot forward, recover weight back onto right foot
3Step left foot to left side
4,5Cross rock right foot over left, recover weight back onto left foot
6&7Step right foot to right side, step left foot beside right, step right foot to right side ¼ turn right
8Hitch left knee

A[17-24] L Jazzbox (3 Count), R Jazzbox (3 Count), L Cross Rock/Recover
1Cross step left foot over right
2,3Step right foot slightly back, step left foot slightly back and to side
4Cross step right foot over left
5,6Step left foot slightly back, step right foot slightly back and to side
7,8Cross rock left foot over right, recover weight back onto right foot

A[25-32] L Full Rolling Turn, L Chasse, R Step/½ Pivot, R Step/½ Pivot
1,2Full rolling turn left – stepping left, right
3&4Step left foot to left side, step right foot beside left, step left foot to left side
5,6Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left
7,8Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left (weight forward on left foot)

B[1-8] R Side Mambo, L Side Mambo, R Fwd Mambo, L Back Mambo + L Touch
1&2Rock right foot to right side, recover weight onto left foot, step right foot beside left
3&4Rock left foot to left side, recover weight onto right foot, step left foot beside right
5&6Rock right foot forward, recover weight back onto left foot, step right foot beside left
7&8Rock left foot back, recover weight forward onto right foot, touch left toe to left side

B[9-16] L Cross/R Side, R Syncopated Weave, R Side Rock/Recover, R Sailor Step (¼-R)
1,2Cross step left foot over right, step right foot to right side
3&4Cross step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, cross step left foot over right
5,6Rock right foot to right side, recover weight onto left foot
7&8Right sailor step ¼ turn right – stepping right, left, right

B[17-24] “WOAAH!” L Press/Hold, L Sailor Step, R Sailor Step
1Press ball of left foot diagonally forward and throw hands out to side (lean forward)
2,3,4Hold position and straighten body up onto right foot (3 counts)
5&6Left sailor step – stepping left, right, left
7&8Right sailor step – stepping right, left, right

B[25-32] R Weave (¼-R), Walk Around ½-R
1,2Cross step left foot over right, step right foot to right side
3,4Cross step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side ¼ turn right
5,6,7,8Walk around ½ turn to the right – stepping left, right, left, right

C[1-8] “BACK!” Push Back R, Walk Back (L,R,L), R Coaster Step, L Step/½ Pivot
1,2(from end of Section A) Push weight back onto right foot, step left foot back
3,4Step right foot back, step left foot back
5&6Right coaster step – stepping right, left, right
7,8Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn right (weight ending back on left foot)

C[9-16] “BACK!” Walk Back (R,L,R,L), R Coaster Step, L Step/¼ Pivot
1,2,3,4Walk backward – stepping right, left, right, left
5&6Right coaster step – stepping right, left, right
7,8Step left foot forward, pivot ¼ turn right (weight ending on left foot)

C[17-24] “BACK!” Walk Back (R,L,R,L), R Coaster Step, L Step/½ Pivot
1,2,3,4Walk backward – stepping right, left, right, left
5&6Right coaster step – stepping right, left, right
7,8Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn right (weight ending back on left foot)

C[25-32] “BACK!” Walk Back (R,L), R Coaster Step, Walk Fwd (L,R), L Step/¼ Pivot
1,2Walk backward – stepping right, left
3&4Right coaster step – stepping right, left, right
5,6Walk forward – stepping left, right
7,8Step left foot forward, pivot ¼ turn right (weight ending on right foot)

T[1-8] R Weave + R Sweep, L Weave + L Sweep
1,2Cross step left foot over right, step right foot to right side
3,4Cross step left foot behind right, sweep right toe around left leg
5,6Cross step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side
7,8Cross step right foot over left, sweep left toe around left leg

T[9-16] L Cross/R Touch, R Cross/L Touch, L Behind/R Touch, R Behind/L Touch
1,2Cross step left foot over right, touch right toe to right side
3,4Cross step right foot over left, touch left toe to left side
5,6Cross step left foot behind right, touch right toe to right side
7,8Cross step right foot behind left, touch left toe beside right foot

D[1-8] “SEX!” L Grapevine, Hip Bumps (R,L,R,L)
1,2Step left foot to left side slightly forward, cross step right foot behind left
3,4Step left foot to left side, step right foot to place beside left
5,6,7,8Bump hips right, left, right, left (or side body roll right, then left)

D[9-16] “SNAP!” R Side/Together, R Side/Touch, L Side/Together, L Side/Touch
1,2Step right foot to right side, step left foot to place beside right
3,4Step right foot to right side, touch left toe beside right foot (snap fingers)
5,6Step left foot to left side, step right foot to place beside left
7,8Step left foot to left side, touch right toe beside left foot (snap fingers)

D[17-24] “LEAN!” R Press Fwd/Recover, R Press Fwd/Recover
1,2Press ball of right foot diagonally forward and lean body forward
3,4Recover weight onto left foot and straighten body up
5,6Press ball of right foot diagonally forward, lean body forward
7,8Recover weight onto left foot and straighten body up

D[25-32] R Weave, R Full Rolling Turn, R Side/Touch
1,2Step right foot to right side, cross step left foot over right
3,4Step right foot to right side, cross step left foot behind right
5,6Full rolling turn right – stepping right, left
7,8Step right foot to right side, touch left toe beside right foot

This is the ORIGINAL dance sheet and may NOT be changed, reformatted or extracted without my permission.

Liam Hrycan – Creator of Linedancer Magazine Dance of the Year 1999: “Pot Of Gold”
Also nominated for Linedancer Magazine Dance of the Decade 1997-2007
Awareded “Dance Of Legend” status by Rob Fowler’s Legends In Line – November 2016

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