Rock replace 1/2 turn, ball step, ball step, cross, 1/4 turn, 1/2 turn shuffle
1-2rock fwd right, replace weight to left,
3step right 1/2 turn right
&4&5step left behind right, step right 1/4 turn right, step left behind right, step right 1/4 turn right
6-7cross left over right, turning 1/4 turn left step back on right
8&1turning 1/2 turn left - shuffle left, right, left (3:00)
Mambo right, 1/2 turn, step, lock & step lock &
2&3rock fwd right, replace weight to left, step back right
4turn 1/2 turn left stepping fwd left,
5-6&step right fwd, lock left behind right, step fwd right
7-8&step left fwd, lock right behind left, step left to left side (9:00)
Touch & touch & kick ball step, cross back, back, behind side cross (quarter diamond)
1&2&touch right beside left, step right to right, touch left beside right, step left to left side
3&4kick right fwd, replace weight to right, step fwd left
5&6cross right over left, step back left 1/8, step back right 1/8
7&8step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to right diagonal (12:00 diagonal)
Side touch, back, kick, behind side cross, step 1/4, turn 1/2, 1/2 turn shuffle
1&2&step right to right, tap left behind right, step back left, kick right fwd
3&4step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5-6step left 1/4 turn left, turning 1/2 turn left step back right
7&8turning a half turn left shuffle left, right, left (9:00)
Begin again.
**Tag**: At the end of wall 8 - Home wall – add the following,
Right rock & left rock &
1-2&rock forward right, replace weight to left, step onto right
3-4&rock forward left, replace weight to right, step onto left
Contact: michael@inline.ie - www.inline.ie
Released at Dance Crazy's Wild Atlantic Weekend Event.
Last Update - 22nd Nov 2016
1-2rock fwd right, replace weight to left,
3step right 1/2 turn right
&4&5step left behind right, step right 1/4 turn right, step left behind right, step right 1/4 turn right
6-7cross left over right, turning 1/4 turn left step back on right
8&1turning 1/2 turn left - shuffle left, right, left (3:00)
Mambo right, 1/2 turn, step, lock & step lock &
2&3rock fwd right, replace weight to left, step back right
4turn 1/2 turn left stepping fwd left,
5-6&step right fwd, lock left behind right, step fwd right
7-8&step left fwd, lock right behind left, step left to left side (9:00)
Touch & touch & kick ball step, cross back, back, behind side cross (quarter diamond)
1&2&touch right beside left, step right to right, touch left beside right, step left to left side
3&4kick right fwd, replace weight to right, step fwd left
5&6cross right over left, step back left 1/8, step back right 1/8
7&8step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to right diagonal (12:00 diagonal)
Side touch, back, kick, behind side cross, step 1/4, turn 1/2, 1/2 turn shuffle
1&2&step right to right, tap left behind right, step back left, kick right fwd
3&4step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5-6step left 1/4 turn left, turning 1/2 turn left step back right
7&8turning a half turn left shuffle left, right, left (9:00)
Begin again.
**Tag**: At the end of wall 8 - Home wall – add the following,
Right rock & left rock &
1-2&rock forward right, replace weight to left, step onto right
3-4&rock forward left, replace weight to right, step onto left
Contact: michael@inline.ie - www.inline.ie
Released at Dance Crazy's Wild Atlantic Weekend Event.
Last Update - 22nd Nov 2016