Side touch kick ball change x2.
1-2Step R to R side touch L beside R
3&4Kick L forward, step L beside R, replace weight back onto R
5-6Step L to L side touch R beside L
7&8Kick R forward, step R beside L, replace weight back onto L
¼ paddle, rock coaster step.
1-2Step forward R pivot 1/8 to L
3-4Step forward R pivot 1/8 to L
5-6Rock R, recover weight onto L
7&8Step back on R, step L beside R, step R forward
Rock ¼ chasse, cross side behind heel jack
1-2Rock L forward, recover weight onto R making ¼ L
3&4Step L to L side, close R beside L, Step L to L side
5-6Cross R over L, step L to L side
7&8&Step R behind L, Step back on L at the same time dig R heel forward, Step R in place
Cross side behind heel jack, Step clap, Pivot ½ x2
1-2Cross L over R, Step R to R side
3&4 &Step L behind R, Step back on R at the same time dig L heel forward, Step L back in place
5-6Step R forward and clap, pivot ½ turn L
7-8repeat 1-2
TAG: 8 Count Tag wall 3
Switches making ½ turn right
1-2Making ¼ R point R to R side, step R beside L and point L to L side
3-4 &Dig R heel forward, step R beside L and dig L heel forward, Step L in place
5-8Repeat Counts 1-4
Contact: sazzleking@hotmail.co.uk
1-2Step R to R side touch L beside R
3&4Kick L forward, step L beside R, replace weight back onto R
5-6Step L to L side touch R beside L
7&8Kick R forward, step R beside L, replace weight back onto L
¼ paddle, rock coaster step.
1-2Step forward R pivot 1/8 to L
3-4Step forward R pivot 1/8 to L
5-6Rock R, recover weight onto L
7&8Step back on R, step L beside R, step R forward
Rock ¼ chasse, cross side behind heel jack
1-2Rock L forward, recover weight onto R making ¼ L
3&4Step L to L side, close R beside L, Step L to L side
5-6Cross R over L, step L to L side
7&8&Step R behind L, Step back on L at the same time dig R heel forward, Step R in place
Cross side behind heel jack, Step clap, Pivot ½ x2
1-2Cross L over R, Step R to R side
3&4 &Step L behind R, Step back on R at the same time dig L heel forward, Step L back in place
5-6Step R forward and clap, pivot ½ turn L
7-8repeat 1-2
TAG: 8 Count Tag wall 3
Switches making ½ turn right
1-2Making ¼ R point R to R side, step R beside L and point L to L side
3-4 &Dig R heel forward, step R beside L and dig L heel forward, Step L in place
5-8Repeat Counts 1-4
Contact: sazzleking@hotmail.co.uk