Intro : 14 seconds
Section 1: Step, Clap, Step, Clap, Rock and side, Cross triple right, Rock ¼ turn left
1&2&Right step forward, Clap, Left step forward, Clap
3&4Cross right over left, Recover left, Right step side right
5&6Cross left over right, Right step side right, cross Left over right
7&8Rock step side right, Recover in ¼ turn left on th left, Right step forward
Section 2: Step, clap, step, clap, Left forward, ½ turn right, left forward, triple step right forward, little jump step left forward with touch right, Hold
1&2&Left step forward, Clap, Right step forward, Clap
3&4Left step forward, ½ turn right, Left step forward
5&6Triple step forward : R, L, R
7-8Little jump forward on the left with touch right next to left, Hold
Restarts : Wall 3 right here - 9 H00
Section 3: Right forward, ½ turn left, ¼ turn left chassé right, Rock step syncopated
1-2Right step forward, ½ turn left
3&4¼ turn left with triple step side on the right, R, L, R
5-6Rock Step left forward, Recover on the Right
&7-8Left next to Right, Rock step right forward, Recover on the left
Section 4: Right Point diagonal right, Right next to left, Left Point diagonal Left, Left next to Right, Right Point forward, Hook right, Right Point diagonal right Right next to left, Rock cross, ¼ turn left, run, run,Touch
1&2&Right point diagonal right, Right next to left, Left point diagonal left, Left next to right
3&4Right point forward, Hook right in front off left, Right point diagonal right
&5&6Right next to left, Cross left over right, Recover on the right, ¼ turn on the left
7&8Right run, Left run, Touch right next to left
Contact: denysben@gmail.com - ou
www.eaglesstars.com - www.denysben.fr
Section 1: Step, Clap, Step, Clap, Rock and side, Cross triple right, Rock ¼ turn left
1&2&Right step forward, Clap, Left step forward, Clap
3&4Cross right over left, Recover left, Right step side right
5&6Cross left over right, Right step side right, cross Left over right
7&8Rock step side right, Recover in ¼ turn left on th left, Right step forward
Section 2: Step, clap, step, clap, Left forward, ½ turn right, left forward, triple step right forward, little jump step left forward with touch right, Hold
1&2&Left step forward, Clap, Right step forward, Clap
3&4Left step forward, ½ turn right, Left step forward
5&6Triple step forward : R, L, R
7-8Little jump forward on the left with touch right next to left, Hold
Restarts : Wall 3 right here - 9 H00
Section 3: Right forward, ½ turn left, ¼ turn left chassé right, Rock step syncopated
1-2Right step forward, ½ turn left
3&4¼ turn left with triple step side on the right, R, L, R
5-6Rock Step left forward, Recover on the Right
&7-8Left next to Right, Rock step right forward, Recover on the left
Section 4: Right Point diagonal right, Right next to left, Left Point diagonal Left, Left next to Right, Right Point forward, Hook right, Right Point diagonal right Right next to left, Rock cross, ¼ turn left, run, run,Touch
1&2&Right point diagonal right, Right next to left, Left point diagonal left, Left next to right
3&4Right point forward, Hook right in front off left, Right point diagonal right
&5&6Right next to left, Cross left over right, Recover on the right, ¼ turn on the left
7&8Right run, Left run, Touch right next to left
Contact: denysben@gmail.com - ou
www.eaglesstars.com - www.denysben.fr