Intro: 16 counts from when all instruments come in
[1-8] Kick ball change, Forward rock, Back kick, Back point
1&2Kick R forward(1), step ball of R beside L(&), step L slightly forward(2)
3-4Rock R forward(3), Recover weight onto L(4)
5-6Step R back(5), Kick L forward(6)
7-8Step L back(7), Point R to right(8)
[9-16] Rolling vine to R and L (Easier Option: Vines to R&L)
1-2Turning 1/4 right, step R forward(1), turning 1/2 right, step L back(2)
3-4Turning 1/4 right, step R to right(3), Point L to left and clap(4) (12.00)
5-6Turning 1/4 left, step L forward(5), turning 1/2 left, step R back(6)
7-8Turning 1/4 left, step L to left(7), Touch R beside L and clap(8) (12.00)
[17-24] Side Touch, ¼ Turn Side Touch, Side Kick Diagonal (R&L)
1-2Step R to side (1), Touch L beside R (2)
3-4Turning ¼ right, Step L to side (3), Touch R beside L (4) (3.00)
5-6Roll hip anticlockwise and step R to side (5), Kick L diagonally left (6)
7-8Roll hip clockwise and step L to side (7), Kick R diagonally right (8)
[25-32] Back Rock, Side Touches, ½ Pivot Turn
1-2Rock R behind L (1), Recover on L (2)
3-4Step R to side (3), Touch L beside R (4)* (Restart on Wall 12)
5-6Step L to side (5), Touch R beside L (6)
7-8Step R forward (7), Pivot ½ turn left (8) (9.00)
Start again!
RESTART: on Wall 12, after 28 counts. Change count 28 to a Step L beside R and start dance again. (6.00)
Contacts: -
Yu Puay yeoyp95@gmail.com
Stephanie kwangyoong@gmail.com
[1-8] Kick ball change, Forward rock, Back kick, Back point
1&2Kick R forward(1), step ball of R beside L(&), step L slightly forward(2)
3-4Rock R forward(3), Recover weight onto L(4)
5-6Step R back(5), Kick L forward(6)
7-8Step L back(7), Point R to right(8)
[9-16] Rolling vine to R and L (Easier Option: Vines to R&L)
1-2Turning 1/4 right, step R forward(1), turning 1/2 right, step L back(2)
3-4Turning 1/4 right, step R to right(3), Point L to left and clap(4) (12.00)
5-6Turning 1/4 left, step L forward(5), turning 1/2 left, step R back(6)
7-8Turning 1/4 left, step L to left(7), Touch R beside L and clap(8) (12.00)
[17-24] Side Touch, ¼ Turn Side Touch, Side Kick Diagonal (R&L)
1-2Step R to side (1), Touch L beside R (2)
3-4Turning ¼ right, Step L to side (3), Touch R beside L (4) (3.00)
5-6Roll hip anticlockwise and step R to side (5), Kick L diagonally left (6)
7-8Roll hip clockwise and step L to side (7), Kick R diagonally right (8)
[25-32] Back Rock, Side Touches, ½ Pivot Turn
1-2Rock R behind L (1), Recover on L (2)
3-4Step R to side (3), Touch L beside R (4)* (Restart on Wall 12)
5-6Step L to side (5), Touch R beside L (6)
7-8Step R forward (7), Pivot ½ turn left (8) (9.00)
Start again!
RESTART: on Wall 12, after 28 counts. Change count 28 to a Step L beside R and start dance again. (6.00)
Contacts: -
Yu Puay yeoyp95@gmail.com
Stephanie kwangyoong@gmail.com