#32 Count Intro / Music changes then 16 Count Intro
(1 – 8) Step Forward R- L- R touch L heel, Step back L- R- L touch R heel
1-4Step forward R, step L, step R touch L heel
5-8Step backward L, step R, step L touch R heel
(1 – 8) Right Grapevine, Left Grapevine with ¼ turn
1-4Step R out to right side, step L behind R, step R to right side, touch L next to R
5-8Step L out to left side, step R behind L, step L ¼ turn left, touch R
(1 – 8) Point Step, Point Step
1-4Step on R, point L to left side, bring L to middle, step on L, point R to right side, bring R to middle step on R
5-8Point L to left side, bring L to middle, step on L, point R to right side, bring R to middle, step on R
(1 – 8) Jazz box, Jazz Box
1-4Step R over L, step L back, step R out to right side, step L in front of R
5-8Step R over L, step L back, step R out to right side, step L in front of R
Dance starts over!
Contact : Brenda3fan@embarqmail.com
(1 – 8) Step Forward R- L- R touch L heel, Step back L- R- L touch R heel
1-4Step forward R, step L, step R touch L heel
5-8Step backward L, step R, step L touch R heel
(1 – 8) Right Grapevine, Left Grapevine with ¼ turn
1-4Step R out to right side, step L behind R, step R to right side, touch L next to R
5-8Step L out to left side, step R behind L, step L ¼ turn left, touch R
(1 – 8) Point Step, Point Step
1-4Step on R, point L to left side, bring L to middle, step on L, point R to right side, bring R to middle step on R
5-8Point L to left side, bring L to middle, step on L, point R to right side, bring R to middle, step on R
(1 – 8) Jazz box, Jazz Box
1-4Step R over L, step L back, step R out to right side, step L in front of R
5-8Step R over L, step L back, step R out to right side, step L in front of R
Dance starts over!
Contact : Brenda3fan@embarqmail.com