High Beginner
Start after 8 counts (4 secs – just before lyrics!)
[1-8] Shuffle Back R, Rock Back L, Shuffle Fwd L, Step 3/4 Turn Left
1&2Step back on right foot, close left foot besides right, step back on right foot
3-4Rock back with left foot, recover on right foot
5&6Step forward on left foot, close right foot besides left, step forward on left foot
7-8Step forward on right, pivot ¾ turn left (weight on left, 9:00)
[9-16] Side Shuffle R, Rock Back L, Point L, Hold, Point R, Hold
1&2Step right to right, close left foot besides right, step right to right
3-4Rock back with left foot, recover on right foot
5-6Point left foot to left, hold
&7-8Close left foot besides right foot, point right to right, hold
On wall 6, Restart here
[17-24] R Shuffle, Heel Switches, R Shuffle
1&2Step forward on right foot, close left foot besides right, step forward on right foot
3-4Tap left heel forward, hold
&5-6Close left foot besides right foot, tap right heel forward, hold
7&8Step forward on right foot, close left foot besides right, step forward on right foot
[25-32] Rock Fwd L, ½ Turn Left, Shuffle L, Rock Fwd R
1-2Rock left forward, recover on right foot
3-4½ turn left with left foot, step forward on right foot
5&6Step forward on left foot, close right foot besides left, step forward on left foot
7-8Rock forward with right foot, recover on left foot
Contact: jessica@anima-physio.com
[1-8] Shuffle Back R, Rock Back L, Shuffle Fwd L, Step 3/4 Turn Left
1&2Step back on right foot, close left foot besides right, step back on right foot
3-4Rock back with left foot, recover on right foot
5&6Step forward on left foot, close right foot besides left, step forward on left foot
7-8Step forward on right, pivot ¾ turn left (weight on left, 9:00)
[9-16] Side Shuffle R, Rock Back L, Point L, Hold, Point R, Hold
1&2Step right to right, close left foot besides right, step right to right
3-4Rock back with left foot, recover on right foot
5-6Point left foot to left, hold
&7-8Close left foot besides right foot, point right to right, hold
On wall 6, Restart here
[17-24] R Shuffle, Heel Switches, R Shuffle
1&2Step forward on right foot, close left foot besides right, step forward on right foot
3-4Tap left heel forward, hold
&5-6Close left foot besides right foot, tap right heel forward, hold
7&8Step forward on right foot, close left foot besides right, step forward on right foot
[25-32] Rock Fwd L, ½ Turn Left, Shuffle L, Rock Fwd R
1-2Rock left forward, recover on right foot
3-4½ turn left with left foot, step forward on right foot
5&6Step forward on left foot, close right foot besides left, step forward on left foot
7-8Rock forward with right foot, recover on left foot
Contact: jessica@anima-physio.com