Intro: 16 Count, start on Maria
Dedicated to my Friend and neighbour, Maria de Matras´s 40th birthday
*1. Section: Right wine, left touch, Left touch, Right touch
1 - 2right to right side, left behinde right
3 - 4right to right side, touch left beside right
5 - 6left to left side, touch right beside left
7 - 8right to right side, touch left beside right
*2. Section: Left wine, Right schuff, Right Rockningthair
9 - 10left to left side, right behinde left
11 - 12left to left side, schuff right over the floor beside left
13 - 14forward on right, recover wight into left
15 - 16back on right, recover wight forward on left
*3. Section: Right, Left toestrut, Right kick x 2, Right back, Left hook
17 - 18right toe forward into the floor, weight down on right
19 - 20left toe forward into the floor, weight down on left
21 - 22kick right food forward x 2
23 - 24step right back, hook left foot infront right
*4. Section: Left lockstep forward, Right scuff, Right jazzbox 1/4 turn
25 - 26step left forward, lock right behind left
27 - 28step right forward, schuff right over the floor beside left
29 - 30cross right over left, step left back
31 - 32turn 1/4 right on right, left beside right, weight on right
End of dance Enjoy
Contact ~ mail: hosmatthiesen@profibermail.dk
Dedicated to my Friend and neighbour, Maria de Matras´s 40th birthday
*1. Section: Right wine, left touch, Left touch, Right touch
1 - 2right to right side, left behinde right
3 - 4right to right side, touch left beside right
5 - 6left to left side, touch right beside left
7 - 8right to right side, touch left beside right
*2. Section: Left wine, Right schuff, Right Rockningthair
9 - 10left to left side, right behinde left
11 - 12left to left side, schuff right over the floor beside left
13 - 14forward on right, recover wight into left
15 - 16back on right, recover wight forward on left
*3. Section: Right, Left toestrut, Right kick x 2, Right back, Left hook
17 - 18right toe forward into the floor, weight down on right
19 - 20left toe forward into the floor, weight down on left
21 - 22kick right food forward x 2
23 - 24step right back, hook left foot infront right
*4. Section: Left lockstep forward, Right scuff, Right jazzbox 1/4 turn
25 - 26step left forward, lock right behind left
27 - 28step right forward, schuff right over the floor beside left
29 - 30cross right over left, step left back
31 - 32turn 1/4 right on right, left beside right, weight on right
End of dance Enjoy
Contact ~ mail: hosmatthiesen@profibermail.dk