Section 1: Back , back , L shuffle, back rock R shuffle
1 2Step back on L, Step back on R
3&4Step back on L, step R next L, step L back
5 6Rock back onto R, recover onto L
7&8Step forward onto R, step L next to R, step R fwd
Section 2: Quarter turn R, cross shuffle, side rock, behind side cross
1 2Step L forward, turn ¼ turn R (weight on R foot)
3&4Cross L over R, step R to R, cross L over R
5 6Step R to R, recover onto L
7&8Step L behind R, step L to L, cross R over L
Section 3: Step quarter turn X 2, step point X2
1 2Step L forward, turn ¼ turn R (weight on R foot)
3 4Step L forward, turn ¼ turn R (weight on R foot)
5 6Step L forward, point R to R side
7 8Step R forward, point L to L side
Section 4: Rock recover, coaster step X 2
1 2Rock Forward onto L, recover onto R
3&4Step L back, step R next to L, step L forward
5 6Rock forward onto R, recover onto L
7&8Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
Tag: At end of walls 3 facing 6 o'clock, 7 facing 12 o'clock
End of dance wall 9 facing 6 o'clock, repeat Tag 3 times
Tag: Monterey quarter turns
1 2Step L, point R
3 4Turn ¼ R placing R next to L, point L to L
5 6Step L next to R, point R to R
7 8Turn ¼ R placing R next to L, point L to L
This dance has been choreographed at the request of beginner dancers who belong to a women's support group (Mountview Achievers) in Hanover Park, Cape Town, South Africa.
I found that the beginners were struggling with the Monterey turns for the tag and therefore changed the Tag.
The original Tag can be used as an option should the instructors wish to do it that way.
NEW TAG End of walls 3 & 7
Step Point X 2, Walk L,R,L,R Making Half Turn
1-4Step L fwd, point R to right, step R fwd, point L to left
5-8Walk fwd L turning 1/8 right, walk R turning 1/8 right, walk L turning 1/8 right, walk R turning 1/8 right R to complete half turn.
After Wall 9, 3 tags but 3rd tag is as follows to end the dance
Step Point X 2 , Cross Unwind
1-4Step L fwd, point R to right, step R fwd, point L to left
5-8Step L fwd, cross R over L, make half turn left and hold!
Contact: gabbyparker5@gmail.com
1 2Step back on L, Step back on R
3&4Step back on L, step R next L, step L back
5 6Rock back onto R, recover onto L
7&8Step forward onto R, step L next to R, step R fwd
Section 2: Quarter turn R, cross shuffle, side rock, behind side cross
1 2Step L forward, turn ¼ turn R (weight on R foot)
3&4Cross L over R, step R to R, cross L over R
5 6Step R to R, recover onto L
7&8Step L behind R, step L to L, cross R over L
Section 3: Step quarter turn X 2, step point X2
1 2Step L forward, turn ¼ turn R (weight on R foot)
3 4Step L forward, turn ¼ turn R (weight on R foot)
5 6Step L forward, point R to R side
7 8Step R forward, point L to L side
Section 4: Rock recover, coaster step X 2
1 2Rock Forward onto L, recover onto R
3&4Step L back, step R next to L, step L forward
5 6Rock forward onto R, recover onto L
7&8Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
Tag: At end of walls 3 facing 6 o'clock, 7 facing 12 o'clock
End of dance wall 9 facing 6 o'clock, repeat Tag 3 times
Tag: Monterey quarter turns
1 2Step L, point R
3 4Turn ¼ R placing R next to L, point L to L
5 6Step L next to R, point R to R
7 8Turn ¼ R placing R next to L, point L to L
This dance has been choreographed at the request of beginner dancers who belong to a women's support group (Mountview Achievers) in Hanover Park, Cape Town, South Africa.
I found that the beginners were struggling with the Monterey turns for the tag and therefore changed the Tag.
The original Tag can be used as an option should the instructors wish to do it that way.
NEW TAG End of walls 3 & 7
Step Point X 2, Walk L,R,L,R Making Half Turn
1-4Step L fwd, point R to right, step R fwd, point L to left
5-8Walk fwd L turning 1/8 right, walk R turning 1/8 right, walk L turning 1/8 right, walk R turning 1/8 right R to complete half turn.
After Wall 9, 3 tags but 3rd tag is as follows to end the dance
Step Point X 2 , Cross Unwind
1-4Step L fwd, point R to right, step R fwd, point L to left
5-8Step L fwd, cross R over L, make half turn left and hold!
Contact: gabbyparker5@gmail.com