#16 count intro, 1 easy restart
A[1-8] Triple Run forward, rock-recover, ¼ side triple, cross point
1&2Right Triple Run forward, R, L, R ( make steps small)
3-4Rock forward on L, recover to R
5&6Make a ¼ turn to left, side triple, L, R, L.(9:00)
7-8Cross R over L, point L out to left side. (9:00)
B[1-8] Cross point, step ½ turn step, rock recover, step back, cross-touch
1-2Cross L over R, point R out to right side.
3&4Step R forward, make ½ to left, step R forward (3:00)
5-6Rock forward on L, recover to R
7-8Step back on L, cross – touch R over L (3:00)
C[1-8] Side triple, cross rock, ¼ triple, step ½ turn
1&2R side triple, R, L,R (3:00)
3-4Cross rock L over R, recover to R
5&6Make a ¼ turn L, triple forward L,R,L (12:00)
7-8Step R forward, make ½ turn to L, (weight on L) (6:00)
(Restart happens here on wall 3)
D[1-8] Triple forward, press-rock recover, side rock recover together, touch out- in.
1&2Right Triple forward, R, L, R
3-4Small L Press-rock forward , recover to R,
(keep feet close together as you do this, easier to go into next step)
5&6Rock L out to left side, recover to R, bring L beside R (small steps easier)
7-8Touch R out to right side, touch R next to L (6:00)
Restart: Wall 3 after 24 counts in section 3
Ending: Dance ends on 6:00 wall , replace the touch out-in with R step ½ turn to end at 12:00.
Pose, Be the Star of the Show.
Have Fun. Dance from the Heart with JOY.
Contact ~ Gwen Walker (gkwdance@gmail.com)
A[1-8] Triple Run forward, rock-recover, ¼ side triple, cross point
1&2Right Triple Run forward, R, L, R ( make steps small)
3-4Rock forward on L, recover to R
5&6Make a ¼ turn to left, side triple, L, R, L.(9:00)
7-8Cross R over L, point L out to left side. (9:00)
B[1-8] Cross point, step ½ turn step, rock recover, step back, cross-touch
1-2Cross L over R, point R out to right side.
3&4Step R forward, make ½ to left, step R forward (3:00)
5-6Rock forward on L, recover to R
7-8Step back on L, cross – touch R over L (3:00)
C[1-8] Side triple, cross rock, ¼ triple, step ½ turn
1&2R side triple, R, L,R (3:00)
3-4Cross rock L over R, recover to R
5&6Make a ¼ turn L, triple forward L,R,L (12:00)
7-8Step R forward, make ½ turn to L, (weight on L) (6:00)
(Restart happens here on wall 3)
D[1-8] Triple forward, press-rock recover, side rock recover together, touch out- in.
1&2Right Triple forward, R, L, R
3-4Small L Press-rock forward , recover to R,
(keep feet close together as you do this, easier to go into next step)
5&6Rock L out to left side, recover to R, bring L beside R (small steps easier)
7-8Touch R out to right side, touch R next to L (6:00)
Restart: Wall 3 after 24 counts in section 3
Ending: Dance ends on 6:00 wall , replace the touch out-in with R step ½ turn to end at 12:00.
Pose, Be the Star of the Show.
Have Fun. Dance from the Heart with JOY.
Contact ~ Gwen Walker (gkwdance@gmail.com)