CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Another Old Flame

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Easy Intermediate
Kenny Teh (MY) - September 2016
Jiu Huan Ru Meng (舊歡如夢) - Hacken Lee (李克勤)
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Start dance after 16 counts:
Section A
1 2 3&4Rock left forward, recover right, back shuffle LRL
5 6 7&8Rock right back, recover left, forward shuffle RLR

Section B
1 2 3&4Step left forward, pivot ½ right, ½ right right turn back shuffle LRL (12.00)
5 6 7&8½ right turn step right forward, step left forward, forward shuffle RLR (6.00)

Section C
1 2 3 4Cross left over right, step right to right, step left behind right, sweep right front to back
5 6 7 8Step right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left, sweep left from back to front

Section D
1 2 3 4Facing diagonal right (1.30) rock left forward, recover right, rock left forward, on ball of left making ¼ left turn facing diagonal left (10.30)
5 6 7 8Rock right forward, recover left, rock right forward, on ball of right make 1/8 turn right facing 6.00
Restart here on Walls 2 and 4

Section E
1 2Cross touch left over right, hold
&3 4Step left beside right, cross touch right over left, hold
&5Step right beside left, cross touch left over right
&6Step left beside right, cross touch right over left
&7Step right beside left, cross touch left over right
&8Step left beside right, cross touch right over left

Section F
1&2Step right diagonally back, step left behind right, recover right
3&4Step left diagonally back, step right behind left, recover left
5&6&7&8Making a half circle right step right forward, lock left behind, step right forward, lock left behind, step right forward, lock left behind, step right forward (12.00)

Section G
1&2Cross left over right, step right to right, recover left
3&4Cross right over left, step left to left, recover right
5&6&7&8Making a half circle left step forward, lock right behind, step left forward, lock right behind, step left forward, lock right behind, step left forward (6.00)

Section G
1&2&3&4Cross touch right over left, step right beside, cross touch left over right, step left beside, cross touch right over left, step right beside, cross touch left over right
5 6 7 8Roll hips to the left and back to the right twice

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