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Red Dress Magic

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Improver / Intermediate
Pat Stott (UK) - September 2016
Red Dress - MAGIC! : (CD: Primary Colours)
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#16 count intro - commence on vocals

Cross, recover, side, recover, cross recover, 1/4 turn right, step, 1/2 pivot, 1/2 turn stepping back, 4 runs back
1&2&Cross right over left, recover on left, rock right to right, recover on left
3&4.Cross right over left, recover on left, turn 1/4 right stepping forward on right
5&6.Step forward on left, 1/2 pivot right transferring weight to right, turn 1/2 right stepping back on left (improvers can dance a mambo step)
7&8&Run back x 4 - right, left, right, left

Back, rock, step, raise knee, coaster step, scuff, jazz box 1/4 right, scuff, cross, recover, side, recover
1&2&.Rock back on right, recover onto left, step forward on right, raise up on ball of right foot hitching left knee
3&4&.Lower right heel down and step back on left, close right to left, step forward on left, scuff right forward
5&6&.Cross right over left, back on left,1/4 turn right stepping right to right, scuff
7&8&.Cross left over right, recover on right, rock left to left, recover on right

Cross shuffle, hitch, cross shuffle, rumba box
1&2&Cross left over right, right to right, cross left over right, hitch right knee (slightly turning to left preparing to dance the next cross shuffle)
3&4.Cross right over left, left to left, right over left
5&6Left to left, close right to left, left back
7&8.Right to right, close left to right, forward on right

Mambo 1/2 turn left, triple full turn left, rock forward, recover, rock to side, recover, sailor 1/4 left, brush
1&2Rock forward on left, recover on right, turn 1/2 left stepping forward on left
3&4.Turn 1/2 left stepping back on right, 1/2 turn left stepping forward on left, step forward on right (easier option : lock step forward)
5&6&.Rock left forward, recover on right, rock left to left, recover on right
7&8&Left behind right, turn 1/4 left stepping right to right, left to left, brush right forward and slightly across left ready to start the dance again.

No Tags Or Restarts .... Enjoy!

3 评论

Pismo September 27, 2016
How is 1&2&3&4 a "slow" crossing triple, hitch and "slow" crossing triple? The syncopation is the same tempo as the rest of the dance.

Totty September 27, 2016
Sorry, Pismo it was just meant to aid with the teach that's all, I know it's the same tempo as the rest of the dance.

Totty September 28, 2016
I've taken the. Word "slow" out of the heading for section 3

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