S1: Rock recover, coaster step
1-2Rock forward on R, return weight to L
3&4Step R back, L next to R, step R forward
5-6Rock forward on L return weight to R
7&8Step L back, R next to L, step L forward
S2: Weave, rock recover, triple in place
1-4Cross R over L, L to side, R behind left, L to side
5-6Cross rock R over L, return weight to L
7&8Step R L R in place
S3: Weave, rock recover, triple in place
1-4Cross L over R, R to side, L behind right, R to side
5-6Cross rock L over R, return weight to R
7&8Step L R Lin place
S4: Heel jack, step forward, ½ turn, step forward, touch
1&2&Step R across L, step L to side, touch R heel to right, step R next to L
3-4Cross L over R, step R to side.
5-6Step L forward, pivot ½ turn right
7-8Step L forward, touch R next to left
Contact: minnietravis@yahoo.com
1-2Rock forward on R, return weight to L
3&4Step R back, L next to R, step R forward
5-6Rock forward on L return weight to R
7&8Step L back, R next to L, step L forward
S2: Weave, rock recover, triple in place
1-4Cross R over L, L to side, R behind left, L to side
5-6Cross rock R over L, return weight to L
7&8Step R L R in place
S3: Weave, rock recover, triple in place
1-4Cross L over R, R to side, L behind right, R to side
5-6Cross rock L over R, return weight to R
7&8Step L R Lin place
S4: Heel jack, step forward, ½ turn, step forward, touch
1&2&Step R across L, step L to side, touch R heel to right, step R next to L
3-4Cross L over R, step R to side.
5-6Step L forward, pivot ½ turn right
7-8Step L forward, touch R next to left
Contact: minnietravis@yahoo.com