CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Easy Improver
Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) - September 2016
Then There's You - Charlie Puth : (CD: Nine Track Mind 2015 - iTunes & other mp3 sites - 3:34)
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Introduction: 16 counts, start on approx 09 sec.

Part l. [1-8] Side, Back Rock / Recover, ¼ Turn L, 2x Smooth Dorothy L, R, ¼ Turn L, Big Step Fwd, Touch.
1,2&Step R to R, Step L behind R, Recover back onto R.
3,4&Making ¼ turn L (9) long step L diagonally forward, Step R behind L, Step L forward.
5,6&Long step R diagonally forward, Step L behind R, Step R forward.
7-8Making ¼ turn L (6) step L big forward, Touch R beside L.

Part II. [9-16] Syncopated Cross Rocks Fwd R, L with ¼ turn R, ½ Turn L, Step, Side, Sailor Step L.
1-2Step R across forward L, Recover back onto L.
&3-4Making ¼ turn R (9) step R to R, Step L across R, Recover back onto R.
5-6Making ½ turn L (3) step L forward, Step R to R.
7&8Step L behind R, Step R to R, Step L forward.

Part III. [17-24] R Point Fwd, Out, Out, Heel/Toe/Heel Twist, Side, Together, Fwd, Press Step L, Sweep L.
1&2Point R forward, Step R out to R, Step L out to L.
3&4Swivel both heels to L, Swivel both toes to L, Swivel both heels to L taking weight onto L.
5&6Step R to R, Step L beside R, Step R forward.
7-8Press L forward, Recover back onto R sweep L from front to back.

Part lV. [25-32] L Anchor Step with ¼ Sweep Turn L, Coaster Step R, ½ Walking Circle L, Step, Lock, Step with ¼ Turn L.
1&2Locked L behind R take weight onto L, Recover back onto R, Recover back onto L with ¼ turn R (6) sweep R from front to Back.
3&4Step R back, Step L beside R, Step R slightly forward.
5-6L+R walking ½ Circle L to 12 o`clock.
7&8Making ¼ turn L (9) step L forward, Lock R behind L, Step L forward.
NB: Tag here ending WALL 8 after 32 counts (facing 12 o`clock), after start again (facing 3 o`clock).

TAG: 6 counts
[1-6] Fwd Rock / Recover, ¼ Turn R, Hip Bumps R,L, Back Rock / Recover.
1-4Step R forward, Recover back onto L, Making ¼ turn R (3) step R to R bump R hip to R, Bump L hip to L.
5-6Step R back, Recover back onto L.


Dance Edit, email:

1 评论

Gudela September 16, 2016
Sebastián beautiful dance and music wish you success !!!!

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