Easy Intermediate
#16 count intro,
Rock Fwd Recover, Shuffle Back - 1/4 Side Stomp/Clap - Side Stomp/Clap
1,2,3&4Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L, Shuffle back R,L,R
5,6Making 1/4 left step L to left, Stomp R beside L and clap
7,8Step R to right, Stomp L beside R and clap (keep wt on R)
Rock Fwd Recover, Shuffle Back - 1/4 Side Stomp/Clap - Side Stomp/Clap
9,10,11&12Rock/step fwd on L, Recover back on L, Shuffle back L,R,L
13,14Making 1/4 right step R to right, Stomp L beside R and clap
15,16Step L to left, Stomp R beside L and clap (keep wt on L)
Side Shuffle - Side Rock Recover - Side Behind - 1/4 Fwd Scuff
17&18,19,20Side shuffle right stepping R,L,R Rock/step L behind R, Recover fwd on R
21,22,23,24Step L to left, Step R behind L, Making 1/4 left step fwd on L, Scuff R fwd
Cross Toe Strut - Toe Strut Back - 1/4 Side Rock Recover& - Side Rock Recover
25,26,27,28Step R toe across L, Drop R foot, Step back on L toe, Drop L foot
29,30&Making 1/4 right rock/step R to right, Recover sideways onto L, Step R beside L
31,32Rock/step L to left, Recover sideways onto R
Cross Toe Strut - Toe Strut Back - Side Rock Recover& - Side Rock Recover
33,34,35,36 Step L toe across R, Drop L foot, Step R toe back, Drop R foot
37,38&Rock/step L to left, Recover sideways onto R, Step L beside R
(Restart here on wall 3)
39,40Rock/step R to right, Recover sideways onto L
Across Point - Across Point - Step Fwd RL - Pivot 1/2 Step Fwd
41,42,43,44Step R across L, Point L to left, Step L across R, Point R to right
45,46,47Step fwd on R, Step fwd on L and pivot 1/2 right transferring wt to R
48Step fwd on L
*There is a Restart on wall 3 after count 38
I’m always into something good…..so it was easy to write to this song.
It was written especially for my Dunedin NZ workshop, which a wind down event for the
Masters Games Line Dancing in this area….all good things must come to an end they say….
However, Line dancing is still alive and well in Dunedin and I feel privileged
to have been chosen to do the final workshop. Yeeeeha!
Hope you all enjoy this easyish little dance to the song by The Bird and The Bee,
which was the sound track from the movie Valentines Day.
Hermans Hermits sang the original song, as I am sure you remember.
See you on the floor sometime.... Jan
Email: janwyllie@iinet.net.au
STEP SHEETS & VIDEOS: http://www.copperknob.co.uk/ http://aussie.dancesheets.net/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/JanandAnnie, FACEBOOK: JAN WYLLIE DANCES
Rock Fwd Recover, Shuffle Back - 1/4 Side Stomp/Clap - Side Stomp/Clap
1,2,3&4Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L, Shuffle back R,L,R
5,6Making 1/4 left step L to left, Stomp R beside L and clap
7,8Step R to right, Stomp L beside R and clap (keep wt on R)
Rock Fwd Recover, Shuffle Back - 1/4 Side Stomp/Clap - Side Stomp/Clap
9,10,11&12Rock/step fwd on L, Recover back on L, Shuffle back L,R,L
13,14Making 1/4 right step R to right, Stomp L beside R and clap
15,16Step L to left, Stomp R beside L and clap (keep wt on L)
Side Shuffle - Side Rock Recover - Side Behind - 1/4 Fwd Scuff
17&18,19,20Side shuffle right stepping R,L,R Rock/step L behind R, Recover fwd on R
21,22,23,24Step L to left, Step R behind L, Making 1/4 left step fwd on L, Scuff R fwd
Cross Toe Strut - Toe Strut Back - 1/4 Side Rock Recover& - Side Rock Recover
25,26,27,28Step R toe across L, Drop R foot, Step back on L toe, Drop L foot
29,30&Making 1/4 right rock/step R to right, Recover sideways onto L, Step R beside L
31,32Rock/step L to left, Recover sideways onto R
Cross Toe Strut - Toe Strut Back - Side Rock Recover& - Side Rock Recover
33,34,35,36 Step L toe across R, Drop L foot, Step R toe back, Drop R foot
37,38&Rock/step L to left, Recover sideways onto R, Step L beside R
(Restart here on wall 3)
39,40Rock/step R to right, Recover sideways onto L
Across Point - Across Point - Step Fwd RL - Pivot 1/2 Step Fwd
41,42,43,44Step R across L, Point L to left, Step L across R, Point R to right
45,46,47Step fwd on R, Step fwd on L and pivot 1/2 right transferring wt to R
48Step fwd on L
*There is a Restart on wall 3 after count 38
I’m always into something good…..so it was easy to write to this song.
It was written especially for my Dunedin NZ workshop, which a wind down event for the
Masters Games Line Dancing in this area….all good things must come to an end they say….
However, Line dancing is still alive and well in Dunedin and I feel privileged
to have been chosen to do the final workshop. Yeeeeha!
Hope you all enjoy this easyish little dance to the song by The Bird and The Bee,
which was the sound track from the movie Valentines Day.
Hermans Hermits sang the original song, as I am sure you remember.
See you on the floor sometime.... Jan
Email: janwyllie@iinet.net.au
STEP SHEETS & VIDEOS: http://www.copperknob.co.uk/ http://aussie.dancesheets.net/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/JanandAnnie, FACEBOOK: JAN WYLLIE DANCES