Introduction: 16 counts, start on approx 09 sec.
Part l. [1-8] Kick & Point, ¾ Triple L, Step R Diag (option: with fwd body roll), Replace, Pop R Fwd, Back Side Fwd with 3/8 Turn L.
1&2Kick R forward, Step R back in place, Point L out to L.
3&4Making a ¾ triple turn L (L,R,L) to 3 o`clock.
5-6Making 1/8 turn R (4.30) step R forward with (optional: fwd body roll), Recover back onto L and pop R knee fwd.
7&8Step R back, Making 3/8 turn L (12) step L to L, Step R forward.
Part II. [9-16] Press Step L, Sweep L, L Anchor Step, Jump Both Feet Apart with ¼ Turn R, Hold, Together, Side, Touch.
1-2Press L forward, Recover back onto R sweep L from front to back.
3&4Locked L behind R take weight onto L, Recover back onto R, Recover back onto L.
&5-6Making ¼ turn R (3) jump both feet apart (&5), Hold.
&7-8Step R beside L, Step L to L, Touch R beside L.
Part III. [17-24] Step, Point, ¾ Triple L, Syncopated Hip Bumps Fwd Diag R, L, R, 3/8 Sailor Turn L.
1-2Step R forward, Point L out to L.
3&4Making a ¾ triple turn L (L,R,L) to 6 o`clock.
5&6Making 1/8 turn R (7.30) point R forward bump hips forward, Bump hips back, Bump hips forward weight onto L.
7&8Step R behind L, Making 3/8 turn L (3) step L to L, Step R forward.
Part lV. [25-32] Diamond ¼ Turn L, 2x Camel Walk L, R, ¾ Triple R.
1&2Step L forward, Step R to R, Making 1/8 turn L (1.30) step L back,
3&4Step R back, Step L to L squaring up at (12), Step R forward.
5-6Step L forward while you pop R knee forward, Step R forward while you pop L knee forward.
7&8Making a ¾ triple turn R (L,R,L) to 9 o`clock ending step L forward.
Dance Edit, email: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com
Part l. [1-8] Kick & Point, ¾ Triple L, Step R Diag (option: with fwd body roll), Replace, Pop R Fwd, Back Side Fwd with 3/8 Turn L.
1&2Kick R forward, Step R back in place, Point L out to L.
3&4Making a ¾ triple turn L (L,R,L) to 3 o`clock.
5-6Making 1/8 turn R (4.30) step R forward with (optional: fwd body roll), Recover back onto L and pop R knee fwd.
7&8Step R back, Making 3/8 turn L (12) step L to L, Step R forward.
Part II. [9-16] Press Step L, Sweep L, L Anchor Step, Jump Both Feet Apart with ¼ Turn R, Hold, Together, Side, Touch.
1-2Press L forward, Recover back onto R sweep L from front to back.
3&4Locked L behind R take weight onto L, Recover back onto R, Recover back onto L.
&5-6Making ¼ turn R (3) jump both feet apart (&5), Hold.
&7-8Step R beside L, Step L to L, Touch R beside L.
Part III. [17-24] Step, Point, ¾ Triple L, Syncopated Hip Bumps Fwd Diag R, L, R, 3/8 Sailor Turn L.
1-2Step R forward, Point L out to L.
3&4Making a ¾ triple turn L (L,R,L) to 6 o`clock.
5&6Making 1/8 turn R (7.30) point R forward bump hips forward, Bump hips back, Bump hips forward weight onto L.
7&8Step R behind L, Making 3/8 turn L (3) step L to L, Step R forward.
Part lV. [25-32] Diamond ¼ Turn L, 2x Camel Walk L, R, ¾ Triple R.
1&2Step L forward, Step R to R, Making 1/8 turn L (1.30) step L back,
3&4Step R back, Step L to L squaring up at (12), Step R forward.
5-6Step L forward while you pop R knee forward, Step R forward while you pop L knee forward.
7&8Making a ¾ triple turn R (L,R,L) to 9 o`clock ending step L forward.
Dance Edit, email: smoothdancer79@hotmail.com